War Thunder’s Birthday Sale in the Gaijin.net Store!



We are far far beyond that point

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Why you removing French ship. They in game no than 9 months

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That may be, however youre forgetting that some high lvl players also want to grind a new tech tree or add to their existing ones. Plus there were discounts on 10.0 vehicles for ge

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Then why have them at all? And furthermore, why have top tier premiums on sale during the GE sale if that was the goal? All they’ve done now is remove the ability to have any resembling a workable line-up for the premium players at top ranks, and almost certainly DRASTICALLY increased the amount of one-death leavers that will be occurring now.

A very unfortunate decision by Gaijin. Almost everyone here has in the past couple of months suffered from the consequences of artificial inflation and increasing corporate greed. The community was rather understanding when the prices for many famous packs were increased as at the same time their tier was moved up to allow for full tech tree research. It is thus very sad to see the rather pathetic reasoning of “introducing variety to sales” considering that the summer sale also conveniently left out the same, most sought-for vehicles packs. However what feels more insulting to me is the absence of communication. Had this upcoming sale - and the fact that these packs would be left out - been announced in advance, the backlash might not be as severe, especially if (god forbid) we were told that they would instead be available during the next winter sale. Now, we are just left disappointed and in uncertainty.


Could be true if we didn’t have the 50% discount on GE premium vehicles literally ending yesterday and now everyone and their moms have 2s38 and m1128 wolfpacks.


i will describe this situation veri good

me when all tank go on sale: 😀👍
me when bad tanks go on sale:👎😔


I genuinely despise this company.


aaand now 10.0 is unplayable on both side, 0iq wolfpack players vs undertiered 2s38 (btw the hstvl in 11.3 but 2s38 only 10.0 how? xd) (i bought it when it was 9.7 but i think 10.0 is still undertiered , 2s38 is a top tier tank)

Gaijin say why in US TT only plane that is on sale is AV-8A??? Why not F-5C or A-10A or A-6E??? Just why? I’ve been looking for this sale a long time and you disappointed me and not only me…

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You have lied by omission, and you know it. You’ve been putting these sales on in the same way for a decade now and gave no notice that the anniversary event has changed. You knew damn well what everyone expected, and you purposefully didn’t tell the player base to adjust their expectations so you could try to milk more profit from the first half of this sale.

As a newer player, I know I damn sure would not have spent any money on GE for this game if I knew you’d be no longer offering sales on seemingly the most highly sought after premium vehicle packs. I’m genuinely very uninterested in paying attention to any future sales now that I better understand your change in business practices, and I strongly doubt I’m the only one. All you’ve done is show me you and Warthunder are not worth investing in.

EDIT: To add on to this, you need to understand how incredibly new-player unfriendly this change is. You’ve locked most of the highly sought after vehicles behind a paywall (not even a GE paywall, a straight store paywall which is even more egregious), and then ALSO made it impossible to know when a new player can reliably acquire these vehicles in the same way most other people do (e.g. the same sale everyone has been reliably able to look forward to at the same time every single year). I will not pay attention to every single sale, nor will most people that aren’t heavily invested in Warthunder already. I don’t mean that as a demand or a threat, it’s just unrealistic to expect the gaming community to give a shit about every single arbitrary sale you decide to have so they can maybe get the vehicle they want at an inflated price. Am I to expect this kind of “variety” from the Chinese sales, where we’re going to get high tier premium U.S. F4C instead of what people would expect to be the same as it’s always been? I strongly doubt it, and I’m not interested in finding out now either.

All you’ve done now is destroy the previously-guaranteed entry point into the modern tiers of the game, and heavily disincentivized new players from ever thinking they can acquire the same vehicles as everyone else at the same price. You may think this will result in more income overall now that there’s no reliable sales for vehicle packs, but it won’t. This choice negatively interacts with your economic and balancing systems in Warthunder in a really fundamentally fucked up way, and I hope you reverse this change before people stop caring about sales altogether.


True, and the only answer so far has been that they don’t warn you in advance which packs will be on sale because no other company does this, which is not true as I mentioned above, companies that really care about their consumers do the impossible be almost possible to satisfy their audience, those who don’t are similar to EA Games, Ubisoft, who carry out abusive and predatory practices in the market. But the justification they gave here about warning in advance was the same one used by these two that I mentioned, which is becoming increasingly dangerous, the lack of a good relationship and communication is also interfering with the War Thunder community becoming one of the best among this niche of war vehicle games.


Lol they rly consider starter packs this year too, my guys, without 9 useless starter packs this sale anniversary is heavily underperforming


Waiting the whole year to buy the lazur m and now this, first you move the leopard 1 to 8.0 and now u make the worst sales i ever seen, burn the company down

Well, easy calculation:

I wanted to buy 2 Packs for 70€ this year → Both are not in Sale → Gaijin get 0€ from me this year!

Lets see how the next year will be. ;)


Also what with Xbox, again no sale? But you will delate pack from xbox as well without them being on sale like on pc?

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That may be, however youre forgetting that some high lvl players also want to grind a new tech tree or add to their existing ones. Plus there were discounts on 10.0 vehicles for ge