-War Thunder MilSim HQ- Squadron offers a new experience!

Looking for a new squadron?
Looking for a new experience in war thunder?

Have a look at the War thunder MilSim HQ Squadron.
Home to a vast established community of people taking part in squadron battles and ‘MilSim battles’

What is MilSim to us?
It is a opportunity to develop your skills in leadership and organization and just large scale teamwork with roughly 10 events every weekend you can come along and join a unit full of people looking to establish their team.
With events taking place very regularly and varying on year, assets and opponents you have plenty to attend

These units try to actively emulate historical battles, our ‘raids’ are conducted only using contemporary vehicles for the years of the operation, so fighting historically accurate battles are here!!

All units within our community are ran by experienced leaders eager to provide their members with enjoyable experiences on the regular.

Our squadron:

  • We accept anyone interested in joining in our community
  • A additional squadron closely related to the establishment ‘War Thunder HQ’
  • Taking part in squadron battles is a great opportunity to meet new people and enjoy a different perspective
  • A active discord server to engage with a large society of military enthusiasts
  • Currently new to squadron battles but actively developing our team to become increasingly competitive

If you are interested in joining please do consider appling for the squadron or even joining in our community hosted events.

Discord Servers - Public Server Listing

War Thunder MilSim HQ

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