War Thunder is Going to die in 2-4 Years

Nah I know why your point is bad :)

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then why are all only blaming the german tech tree player? I never heard of someone blaming any other nation. And if you look up thunderskill.com some german tanks like Leo 1 and M48 have some very cursed winrate compared to the other nations.

literally me when gayjin changed soundtrack to mOdErN trash music
i’ve muted the music since then

The “pinnacle of the game” is ALL vehicles from BR 1.0 to top.
The whole point of War Thunder is to play vehicles.
Progression is just an extra incentive.

War Thunder won’t die cause War Thunder was never about the progression.

People said the same about DCS for more valid reasons.

This comes from your personal view of the game. Go ahead and check numbers, game has grown and people are playing it. The forums are OVERLY negative since… it is a forum. People talk.

I’m sorry what? Once again, your personal view and since the game is making money and is being played the majority of the people don’t see it the way you see it. Do i have to repeat what i’ve just written about the forums being OVERLY negative?

Get good. Like what am i supposed to answer you? if your team loses it is a TEAM SKILL ISSUE. Get good.

There are so many people playing top tier that neither Gaijin nor the player base will ignore it, don’t worry.

Honestly don’t know what you’re referring to here, but again “Lots of players hate it because of the balance” is something that probably goes to BRs or Camping or whatever. Gaijin is actively fixing BRs and if you get killed by somebody that camps just snipe him off later. You know his location.

People are always negative but keep on playing the game, guess the reason.

But more people decide to play and spend money on the game? Gaijin IS making something right then. Maybe you just lost interest? Try asking yourself what changed.

Whining about other team mates is skill issue. At the end of the day, you know, you can drop a nuke and win the match by yourself.

So am i supposed to respect your opinion in which you call out people for having an item in game? Calling for people to stop so that you “regain hope in humanity”? Dude grow up, everybody has their own preferences AS LONG AS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT LEGAL STUFF.

But it isn’t. Check any chart (even Steam charts are fine, it doesn’t show the total population but you clearly see the game being played more)

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Gaijin make money via selling a solution to a problem they have made, Like premiums time,Premium tanks,GE that type of stuff is people wont progress the Gaijin snail wont to

Im seeing posts like this since 2017


Also since information is publicly available (you could make it private), buddy you don’t even have a proper tier 7 line-up and you’re talking about top tier? No rank 8 vehicle either.

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No, Gaijin made money for expensive development costs using vehicles they were developing.
Running servers is a low cost in comparison.
Game modes is a low cost.
AI overhaul and vehicles are the most expensive part of development.

Premium account doesn’t sell just RP gains, it sells no repair costs.
I can play sim and be 100% reimbursed all the spawn costs I do.

It’s always RB players… Always.

Then what is this it’s because i have un-tierd SPAA

Yeah, not a full rank 7 line-up.
This one is:

And this is top tier:

You’re talking about top tier but you don’t even own a rank 8 vehicle.

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Nope ,been playing WW2 for 4 years.No desire really to wade through the Cold war stuff to get top tier.I have tried but no.The game is not enjoyable enough to sustain wading through that lot to get to a destination that may be hell.

I’m hearing that hence why I said what I said just.

WW2 is why War Thunder hasn’t died.The era many dumb asses even refuse to see as an era.


Yes and no.Germany win games but I think in WW2 the line up for Germany dictates how players play.So it’s into the Puma for a zone capture or so called easy kill followed by a quick death which means the enemy is winning early on ,then its about trying to gain land back in vehicles made for defence. It’s my quick and debatable summary of WW2 Germany.
Lot of Level 100s in Germany and we do win games.

Yup ,with you there.

Maybe Gaijin are and they want to make as much cash from this old chestnut before they let it go.Feels like it to be honest.No major rework no War Thunder 2 just the same old game and the same old complaints.

No and you can see the people on here defending War Thunder’s bad points and thinking they are helping.
Gaijin will keep taking the money as long as people are throwing it at them.Whose fault is that? This game and this forum is like a strip club for sad lonely tank nerds, We know it’s wrong but we keep coming back with our cash : )


Where does it say that? . . this is a fallacy that MANY players seem to adhere to. That is not the objective of the game, it has no set/specific “end point” it never really ends. The main reason so many think speed grinding to “top tier” is all that has to be done is because of demographic marketing to a whole new and younger customer base has been going on for the past 3 - 4 years. Gaijin created this “carrot on a stick” to draw in new players/customers and have worked very hard to make the “new/shiny” all about the most modern stuff. Partly because these newer/younger people they are marketing to have little to no knowledge/understanding or desire to play anything that is not modern. Which is not a good or bad thing, just how it is. Also, by creating an “artificial demand” for the “top tier” which just happens to be at the very end of a long, slow progression(which has always been the game design) this creates more opportunities for the customers to invest time and money . . . both which not only keep the game going & populated, but also generates revenue. And for any business, but especially for online games, that equals success. Everybody wins.
There are MANY things to do/play in War Thunder, closing off your goals to just “playing top tier” also closes of a HUGE portion of the game. Playing a single nation to achieve that goal . . same result, a player chooses to ignore MANY vehicles . . which is just sad, because every nation has gems, hidden gems and yeah . . . a fair share of turds . . C’est la Vie.
Everyone plays the game differently, has different wants, wishes & goals . . and that’s cool, no biggie.
But those that choose to go against the game’s basic design and progression set up are asking for pain & suffering . . .lol . . sorry but that’s how it is. And it seems like a majority of those screaming their fingers off about such things have chosen the speed grind path and are all “I want what I want and I want it right NOW!!” about it all.
The current hub bub over this RP bonus for reaching high tier is a good example . . I began playing 10+ years ago . . and I have researched every single vehicle in all the tech trees 5 or 6 times. You know what I got for that? Not even an “atta boy”, Purely the satisfaction of achieving a goal. Nothing more.
Granted it was only 5 tiers, 5 nations and just planes, but a couple of times I managed it after some tanks were put in. . . . you can’t really do that now. And I get it, people wanna play what they wanna play. The progression wall has always been there, and it won’t go away.
Gaijin has said it before and I also believe it to make sense and be true. If players get everything too quickly, they will get bored and most likely stop playing as much or quit altogether . . that would literally kill the game.
And “the game is dying” was literally the very first meme I heard about this game back when I started in 2014 . . . . or maybe it was “Trees OP, please nerf” . . . .lol, one or the other ☻


Nuh Uh

And Nobody cares that you have many tanks the Bt-5 will always be the Strongest

Perhaps you own a Squadron vehicle (congrats lmao) and hop on forums talking about top tier without even having a single match with it?

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You understand that 10.0 and 11.3 still fights top tier and there isn’t no change between them ?
Also i have Bought the Crew for it i own it but i don’t wish to play with it right now.

So dont talk about how top tier is…you obviously have no clue


Top tier is the highest possible tier in the game, anything below 11.7 is NOT top tier.

This clearly shows you got no clue about what you’re talking about.

10.0 (can, doesn’t mean it always does) fights 10.7. An entire BR lower than top tier.

You’re the one creating posts and crying about it.