Well its still a company that has to make revenue at the end of the day.
What’s the point of adding all these premiums if they don’t give me something to grind with them?
Why may it be? I wonder why no one would want to spend 70 bucks on a severely underperforming and overtiered tank which Gaijin actively and purposefully refuses to fix.
Oh well…
F-18C added with fictional nerfs.
such as?
Continuing the discussion from Meet the “Hornet’s Sting” Major Update!:
Will we see rewards for evading missiles in the future in air RB and air Sim? As evading missiles is just as impactful, if not more so to the match as the ordinances destroyed.
to anyone that wish to bought Ariete Certezza
EEGS for one
Gaijin and their infinite wisdom…
Apparently there’s now also a helicopter target in ground vehicle test drive:
Pretty sure this is something new added in the update as well? Or I’ve been really inattentive. I also don’t see this mentioned in the changelog either.
Why, oh why are you lowering BR of battleships/dreadnoughts?? How about raising BR for the top ships? Did that not even cross your minds?
Some old cockpit models are typically updated in major updates. However we don’t have anything to announce right now for this particular one in this major update. As that’s the focus right now.
Did they at least lower it’s BR? The Finnish F-18 has no place at 14.0.
Nice, last time I heard anything official about it. It was just “not a bug”.
pls be next update :pray: (if its possible or a temp replacement (to the F-4F ICE’s one) the F-4C one is unbearable for sim)
I will say that one is very nice
- No counter or equivalent of the Pantsir for other nations despite being long requested.
1A) No HARMs despite being long requested.
1B) No rebalancing of the Pantsir such as giving the Pantsir a soft nerf of restricting its missiles to the next best performing SPAA until other nations recieve something where the soft nerf can be removed. - No reduction in team size from 16v16 to 10v10 or 8v8 for air battles despite being requested since the introduction of Fox 3 missiles.
- No improvement to ground vehicle progression or RP rewards despite players continuously saying it is the worst of researching grinding progression.
- No follow-up on prior hot button posts/implementations like Abrams armor/M829A3/Stinger missile performance.
- No Air or Ground Enduring Confrontation mode despite being long requested.
- No follow-up on compensation for the RP bug eating 8 years and billions of RP.
- No addressing players continually voicing an issue with $60-80 price tags on premiums.
- No improvements to the map banning process despite being a long requested issue by players.
8A) Lack of new maps. - Inconsistent AA coverage around airfrields for years now.
- Spawn camping is still an issue players continually bring up.
At least this is an update of all time.
I don’t even care anymore, no point of fighting a losing battle, but it shouldn’t be 14.0.