War Thunder "Hornet's Sting" - Changelog

I think it would be good on the initial maintenance page to have an estimated time E.g.

Start: 08:00 GMT
Estimated End: 10:00 GMT

that way it would give the dev’s the time to get the update out properly but also have a time estimated for the community when the update will properly drop

plus would give the devs time to review it as well if anything

Item recycling seems to be the only interesting feature. Otherwise it’s the usual. More stuff to grind, more stuff to buy. No new maps, which is for the best, since I can still ban only one. Sim ground is still big pile of nothing. I guess new sound system are good, though I’ve not heard it yet. Features and systems are good additions.
I wish tank thermal sights were better.
Over and out.

recycling is pretty nice, low chance for 500k ➞ 1mil SL (I got 500k lmao) good feature

Guys stop complaining
last update you’all were complaining about having no F/A-18, you got your F/A-18 so be grateful and stop complaining.

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I want my type 74C to have its correct gun texture which the new update broke :((

When US get a plane, they come in a bu dle of 3. When we received Rafale, we get only one and keep it alone for this update. That’s sad 😅

Some change are really nice here 👍 Ray tracing 👋

And about PS5 anti aliasing?

Still nothing?

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Same problems every updates, could you please do your work with just a little respect?

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I’m suprised(and concerened) that I am the first one to add a link to I ain’t worried
considering the F/A-18 is here(yes, i know, wrong variant)
Really goes to show that the community should be more positive

or be like japan and get 1 new reserve boat, one tier 1 destroyer, and one premium vehicle C&P from TT and like it

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not just copy pasted, but kitbashed of tons of other tanks and not being historically modelled at all

using chatgpt to sim a model for u isnt research gaijin xD

Almost a Month of Pre-Order and 3 times update Dev Server and the one remotely unqiue premium vehicle in this whole update crashes teh game when you fire a radar missel.
90$ Dollars for this.
Gaijin is beyond pathetic.

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Gee guys
Do you’all really have to be toxic every update?
J-10 gets added - “Where eurofighter”
Eurofighter and Rafale gets added “Why no F/A-18”
F/A-18 gets added - finds random things to whine about
Remember, this is the update; You got what you wanted; yes it may be inaccurate and the top tier premium is scummy, but hey, we still got F/A-18s so I ain’t worried right now

fires radar missile - “do you want to send a crash report?”


@Stona_WT since the official anouncment is out, are mayor game breaking bugs fixed ?


There should not be any “mayor game breaking bugs” since the update is live now.
If you got anything, please report on CBR (and you can link report here).


Su-33 is geared up

No rafale maximum overload to 12g?

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Literally ‘up’.


Type 74C’s gun texture is bugged :) was fine before update