War Thunder has lost its way

Aim? I’ve been pre-aiming on close quarters maps since 2017 my dude. I only started preaiming for idler wheel height in 2019, but the point still stands.

Aiming starts at the instance you notice a tank, not when they’re LOS and shoot-able, but when you notice them first.

War Thunder has a defensive player bias.

Some even went down due to BR compression rather than them being bad (Mig-19, F-104, and the Mig-21bis for example).

He has a point, but not explaining it just makes it confusing.

Where are fast, high penning vehicles making armour useless?

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Most of these heavy tanks that don’t suffer from BR compression are rather fast heavy tanks.
It’s the slow ones that suffer most which proves my point.

That’s why this is my opinion and why I proposed something like a test event so the casual player can still play the game as it is. I just think it would be very interesting testing something like this in the todays game.
You are right, games develop over time but I think something like what Epic Games did with Fortnite - bringing back the old core of the game - is not necessarily sth. bad, especially when - as already said - Gaijin did that while simultaneously keeping all the current stuff.

I think the Pershing having to face tanks like the IS4, Maus, Conqueror etc. isn’t the actual problem, it’s just a symptom.
It has to do with conventional and modern tanks being pressed into the same ranks.
This leads into these conventional heavy tanks’ (IS4,…) BRs getting pressed down to 7.7 because they cannot go up thanks to the modern tanks.
What I mean by that:

  1. When you look at the modern tanks these conventional heavies face with their BR of 7.7 this BR seems pretty fair
  2. But comparing them to other conventional tanks you will see that many of them aren’t a fair match, looking at some 6.7

So there is big disparity between what BRs some (especially heavy) conventional tanks should get when comparing them to other conventional tanks and what BR they should get when comparing them to modern vehicles which are at the very same BRs, though.
This is a fact, I mean this is the very reason why the Maus got removed from the research tree; 7.7 was too high of a BR for it to perform well enough against modern vehicles it could face but at the same time 7.3 would be too low when looking at the conventional tanks it would just crush there.
As an example: A 6.3 M41 or even a 6.0 ELC bis (modern) can deal with a Maus but a Jumbo Sherman (conventional) can’t.
This pattern applies to almost all modern and conventional tanks.

IS-4M would be its BR irrelevant of the BRs of tanks above it, because its balanced against 6.7s.
An M26 firing APCR can deal with an IS-4M, I should know I 1v1’d an IS-4M and there wasn’t much he could do himself, his gun is slow to load and that’s easily taken advantage of.

Also an M41 and ELC Bis can deal with a Maus in the same way an M26 can, they just have flaws the M26 doesn’t have.

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I would actually exclude toptier from this, I’m sorry if I haven’t made it clear enough but when refering to back in the days I though it would be obvious I didn’t mean the current toptier.
But you are right when it comes to toptier, the Challenger 2 - I think - is in my top 3 most played vehicles :).

What you are describing, though, is a pretty interesting thing. The reason why the HSVTL not being more Meta than medium tanks at toptier is that pretty much all of toptier comes from the same era.
The problem which causes the midtier or lower hightier meta to be speed it that there is many speedy cars (Idk if you can even call those tanks anymore…) that have no real drawbacks compared to the older stuff.

The equivalent of HSVTL in toptier would be the M18 at its BR:
Same era as most of the non light tanks → reflects in loss of being able to really engage frontally against heavy armor etc. The M18 being from the same technological era means there is no way working around the drawbacks of being faster which would be creating a meta advantage.

But when you look at modern leKpz. (German M41), you won’t have this much of a loss when it comes to firepower. The engineers worked around the same issue the M18 had by giving it technologically advanced ammunition (Heat, APDS).
Now I’m not saying the M41 is generally OP but it causes way more of a headache for conventional tanks than the M18 does at its BR. The only reason why this doesn’t lead to the M41 getting uptiered is other (mostly speedy) modern vehicles.

It’s very nice what you have managed to achieve with the M26 but I am sure most players would rather fight the IS4 with quick and modern HEAT FS canons than the M26.

I have to disagree. Especially talking about the ELC we do not only have a vehicle with way lower BR, the ELC can lolpen the Maus (even the upper plate) and with a faster reload on top of that.

Common man, the Leopard 40/70 is a SPAA. You could say the same with the Pantsir. That’s so cheap man…

I wouldn’t say that. You probably mean in a brawling situation, but that is what many heavy tanks have in common, they are superior when it comes to brawling. Also the Tiger sits at a higher BR.
So everything else than a 6.7 heavy tank being superior against a 6.3/6.0 tank destroyer in a brawling situation would be insane.

Light tanks are situational in general. But the M41 is less situational than the M18 since it can also front pen everything! That’s the problem with the modern stuff and the M41 isn’t even the most extreme example.

Well if that makes it so much better. So we can conclude: at least the 7.7 Maus has a chance of not getting penetrated by a 6.0 light tanks with a 6.7 sec. reload when it is angling.
My point was that it is way too easy for modern vehicles to fight conventional (mostly heavy) tanks.

I have a feeling you are not trying to understand my point on purpose and instead you are deliberately picking out a small phrase and then trying to exploit it, missing the point I was trying to make intirely.

Age has nothing to do with capabilities.
Tiger 2 is superior to Leopard 40/70 in all ways and is older.
Tiger 2 is superior to M109 in all ways and is older.
Tiger 1 is a better overall tank than M18 and M41 as its less situational.

ELC cannot lolpen the Maus, it can pen a Maus that isn’t angling.

Their ability to penetrate all armor equally makes having more armor more and more obsolete.
The more quick and high penetrating tanks there are, the more thick armor gets obsolete.

And the reason why I mentioned “fast” vehicles is that ofc there also is slow (when it comes to mobility, reload etc.) tanks with high penetration, that’s the case especially for the conventional high penetrating tanks.
But they have a drawback in having a long reload and/or a bad mobility etc., so they “deserve” having this much of pen. They can make thick armor obsolete as well but with drawbacks.
The modern vehicles do not have as many drawbacks anymore.

So the phenomenon of high penetrating rounds has always been there. But the more modern (mostly light) vehicles combine this feature with speed.
Conventional tanks are simply not able to combine as much speed with that huge penetration and quick reload. That’s the technological disadvantage they have.

I am talking mainly about ~5.0 - ~9.0.

Light tank =/= MBT… Who’d have thought?

That’s absolute horse poop, and you know it… I only flag your troops personal attacks on me.

You were the one who resorted to posting helplines and being what you’re accusing me of, so yea, stop the nonsense… You should’ve been gone permanently in my eyes.

dont mind me im just chillin’ with some popcorn, do tell, what’s the drama here?

Rank VI is my favorite to play in the game. The majority of players (or at least the highest amount) use TT vehicles and lineups, and even the premiums generally seem to know what they’re doing.

The vehicle diversity is also among the highest here of any tier. Every single country brings something unique to the table. Even minor nations like Japan and Israel have some great lineups here.

Most tanks are also stabilized and use laser rangefinders which speeds up gameplay and generally has a positive impact on my enjoyment.

I’m at the stage in my WT career where I’m focusing less on grinding out TTs and more on playing vehicles I think are cool, and Rank VI has a lot to offer.

Honestly same im at like 9.3 something rn trying to get a full lineup before going abrams which i already knew is gonna be a disaster
Just hope that they change m735 for it to be accurate and xm578e1 artificial buff tho

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Or not going anything further, stay with 9.0 until the earth becomes uninhabitable, M60A3TTS, XM803 and M247, I hadn’t even touched CAS and already think they are one of the strongest ground line up I’ve ever played, furthermore the XM800T still works at 9.0.

I kinda want to try to use abrams but since i complain much about top tier maybe i prolly set that aside and grind german or sweden instead tbh
As for the xm and mbt i kinda wish their documents are declassified by now cuz yk abrams/leos hull are kinda based of it so
IG ill stay for a while

the meta is to get as fast as possible into an airplane and abuse it, at least in higher and lower tiers.
theres is only tank gameplay around 8.7 - 10.0 where SPAAs are an actual counter.

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You’re missing the entire bottom of the BRs.