War Thunder "Firebirds" - Changelog

I think Hungary is critically important for Italy because it provides actual MBTs.

Without Hungary, Italy wouldn’t have MBTs

Mainly, Leopard 2A7HU brought more capabilities and interest upon Italy than all of the Arietes together ever did, hahah.

The SAM is Romanian…

Quite ironic how a tech tree has to rely on a sub tech tree

Oops! Point stands, Italy didn’t have enough local material to stand alone.

Also what we got is modelled badly and is overbr

You are wrong when you use the mindset that vehicles should only be in a tech tree if they are “unique”. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the philosophy of adding such vehicles. To Russians, the T-34-85 in the Chinese tech could look like just a copy and paste of their vehicle. To Chinese people, the T-34-85 is a vehicle that, although is practically the same as the Russian one, is unique. Because the tank T-34-85 is a legendary vehicle with a long history in Chinese service, and has unique variants designed and produced by Chinese engineers (such as this funny flamethrower tank).

For this reason, playing a nation is not only playing specific vehicles, but is for the experience of the military history of each nation. East Germans may have not produced T-72s, but the experience of using them is long embedded in their history.
And let’s not forget, few War Thunder players have enough time to research multiple tech trees. It is illogical to ask people to research an entire new tree just because they want to play specific vehicles. Vehicles that were used by the nation that extensively used them in the first place, although not having domestically made them.


Talking about the Romanian OSA, Romania would have fit in much better into Italy than Hungary.


I noticed that too. The range also seems to be cut off at 10km as well.


Don’t speak for the entirety of a playerbase when your opinions aren’t unanimous.

So… Nobody dislikes it? What a contradiction! Only took 2 sentences…



Positioning it over the bridge leads to impossibilities of aiming beyond islands or coverage when the rear of your ship is exposed and capable of firing. With the camera in the center it is far easier to aim and fire.

Immersive? You’re telling me it’s immersive to ignore each and every fire control center, rangefinder, and basic optic just to have the captain of the ship aim the guns himself?
BS on that.
Direction of travel / sway is still seen with the current camera position?

There has been a number of complaints about the prior camera placement and the complications it had placed on gameplay.

Maybe drop the egocentrism and learn that you aren’t the sole decider of thousands of peoples’ opinions.

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Best part? There isn’t even a dislike function.

Where? I brought this up multiple times on the Dev Server forum. It was liked by many, none spoke out against it. I have never once seen it brought up on the naval forum. You may go after what I’m saying, but don’t pretend for a minute that it I have not brought it up and been given numerous likes for doing so, without critique until YOU came along.

No one in naval was asking for this. The forum was never and has never been abuzz with posts asking for this. It simply is not a thing.

There is- it’s called replying. Yet, curiously, despite posting about it multiple times in the dev server forum, it never got a reply disagreeing! Innit that something.

Dislike and replies aren’t the same thing. Also out of the tens of millions of people who play this game, how many did you decide you needed to justify using the term “we”? Ten? Fifteen?

What is the point of having the dev server exist for feedback and comments on changes if not for members of the forums, active in their communities and game modes, to influence the game design and path of development? By your logic, we should be polling the entire game base for every single change.

funny you mention that, however that isn’t the whole truth, not our full army is part of the Bunderswehr
our air force and navy sure as hell isn’t, some units from the Dutch army are also not in the Bunderswehr

Benelux should have been its own tree, but having it with france is fine.

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To me, the main problem with Gaijin adding these Leos is that they will now most likely put working on the Leclercs down to the extremely low priority pile

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Why cant i see my spaded vehicle count? haha where is the overlay

You know you can switch it off

Su 34 hits the live server with drop tanks dropping in the wrong order, really put that extra time to good use for quality control

Did they removed Visual weapon selector from the planes?

It is not visiblke any more and preshing the asigned key is not open it