War Thunder "Firebirds" - Changelog

It’s still wild to see a Russian helicopter get an AESA radar and nothing else.


Many RWRs got upgraded with additional capabilities and updated libraries while Leopard nerf is historical and barely affects actual gameplay.

" The position of the binocular camera has been reworked. The camera has been moved to the center of the ship along its length and width. The height of the binoculars now depends on the maximum height of the vehicle: the higher the superstructure and masts, the higher the location of the camera."

We did not want this. We do not want this. I have brought this up on each of the Dev Server Changelogs to many many likes and not a single dislike from the naval community. The naval players did not want, and do not want this. This is dumb. We LIKE having our camera positioned right over the BRIDGE of the ship because it is far far more immersive and better positioned to actually understand the direction of travel and the sway of the ship. Revert this damnable change, and next time, ASK naval players what they want before deciding for them!


By the changelog, it just looks like NATO vehicles lost the ability to see what’s locking it. And that a few categories were change. I could have read it wrong but I didn’t see a single positive change beyond them just looking more realistic.

A change that didn’t need to happen at all really because as you said, it doesn’t affect gameplay much.

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The game became blurry after this update. I have the same graphics preset as before (high and TAA is set to ultra, motion blur is disabled). Is this supposed to be like this?


But the issue is that I never used SSAA. It’s just kills my FPS.

Well mine have “always” been blurry unless I enable SSAA.

Exactly, you enable SSAA and everything become fine but the staircase appears so you tried to activate an anti-aliasing but you just can activate FXAA, because if you activate any other SSAA turns off by itself.
That’s the problem

Especially in sim. Stupid feature.

Still no Poland or Czeckoslovakia, how dissapointing.

The dutch camo is still broken lol. Maybe it should be transferred to the 2A6NL because at the moment it just reveals that the model is copy-paste.


Currently, marine flooding systems are fatally flawed: holes that cannot be repaired, flooding in places it shouldn’t be, and losing buoyancy at an alarming rate.

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I love this update for the F-15i but i hate it as there is no proper radar guided SAM for Israel
The other nag is that the VR bug is still not fixed
VR Tank Aiming is Broken // Gaijin.net // Issues

That’s what I’d call a testbed for Gaijin to tinker with AESA before adding stuff like the F-2 Zero

Soooooo, why can’t I see enemies red name plates that are spotted by allies from beyond 10km in AirRB??? @Stona_WT

It’s always been this way, should have grinded France out sooner I guess.

Dutch model is different tho

@Stona_WT i dont see the radar HMD for the F-16am here?

Both already are in the game, you’ve got the Lim-5P, Leo2PL, ORP Garland and Sherman Trzyniec for Poland and the Praga (M53/59), Su-25K and Mi-24D for Czechoslovakia