L M F A O. You cannot be seriously comparing Crowdstrike, who brought down ~9 million devices (MANY including secure government ones, hospitals, militaries, amazon), to Battleye AC or any AC for that matter… You clearly have no idea what you are saying.
There is a disgusting amount of mouth-foaming in this thread. Everyone that wants to reply here, needs to read the ENTIRE thread. DO NOT see one post, and regurgitate that garbage over and over again.
Anti-Cheat technology can only go so far this point.
It is unfair to compare VAC/Ricochet/Vanguard to Battleye/EAC.
The former ACs are custom built-in-house specifically for the games the Companies own.
VAC, for example, has the financials, data, and experience to develop said AC, AND fine tune it. This means they might not have to be AS “invasive” as other ACs, because they’ve been using the same AC for 20 years! They also own their games, and FULLY understand everything about them. They are able to completely tailor their AC.
Battleye/EAC would be a more fair comparison as they are generalized ACs designed to be a jack-of-all-trades for any game.
To do this, you need to encompass a vast amount of attack surfaces. This might be including more “invasive” actions, as they might be needed going from game to game.
in order to achieve the “same level” as VAC, Battleye requires data to be trained on. This is where files are scanned and sent to their server for training. VAC/Ricochet/Vanguard OWN the games, own your data already, and are able to massively train their AC, while the opposite is true for Battleye and EAC.
ALL ACs will scan your computer.
They will all use your data to train off of.
THEY WILL NOT keep PII data of you, as you can see in their privacy statements/EULA.
People start freaking out when they hear the terms “anti-cheat” “invasive” “file-system-scanning.”
But they do NOT understand, that every single program you have ever used EVER, has processes and checks you might not know are happening.
A very popular security program is Malwarebytes. Does the exact same thing as an AC. But you don’t see the outrage there.
When you signed up an acc to play WT you agreed by their rules. Their rules were EAC. Now their rules are Battleye. You accepted EAC doing the exact same things as Battleye, yet have not batted an eye, ONLY when they changed, and people saw “invasive” “false-bans” “process checking,” that they think the worse.
I would bet a stupid amount of money, that for this initial transfer, ANYONE who was Falsely Banned would be unbanned. There is no question in my mind. There will 100% be a grace-period for players in this time, until they can make it 100 compatible (as they don’t own the AC ;) )