Vympel R-73 'ARCHER' - History, Design, Performance & Discussion

Yeah it’s always skill issue to you when it’s not soviet equipment

I don’t know, I don’t have a full copy of the trial, just its findings held in the Tornado GR.1 Tactics manual. Largely its immaterial, the trials findings are clear, just because something doesn’t work like you expected doesn’t mean its not true. I’m sure the yanks were surprised when that SU-22 decoyed an AIM-9X.


You’re the one having issue flaring AIM-9M’s, not me lol. I also say its a skill issue when ppl get hit by radar missiles, particularly the Phoenix seeing as its so bad.

The fact is both the 9M and R-73 use different IRCCM methods, and though the R-73’s is more widely usable, the decoying the 9M’s is more technical. If it wasn’t for the low smoke motor the 9M has making them much harder to spot, id be more scared of the R-73.


What is immaterial? The R-24T British got from nowhere? Especially as you say it’s doc about trials against MiG-29, that doesn’t even can use R-24.

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No I have other docs that confirm training against German MIG-29’s using AA-11, so my assumption is that was the Archer platform. What the R-24T platform was I don’t know. Like I said I don’t have the full trial doc. Again its immaterial, both use FOV tightening, the R-73 is a new missile right? Still decoyed by the 3 flares @ 0.25 second release pattern. So it doesn’t matter.

The IRCCM just wasn’t that good. Compared to non IRCCM missiles its actually great, most of which are decoyed by a single flare so needing a 3 shot burst at 0.25 second intervals is a huge increase in resistance. Just not the silver bullet you’d hope for.

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Oh, those British reports. 100% "true "

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R-73 has flares filtering…

Which is clearly not as good as advertised?

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Advertised by who? You just right now stated that R-73 has only FOV tightening.

I have already written that these reports are complete nonsense.

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Why would they be false they need to know what there up against and how good it is

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In that case, since the R73 sucks and has an inferior irccm, can the aim-9m be nerfed? Downgrade to 1 version or something like that

The whole purpose of the document is to teach British pilots how to survive against the Soviets in combat. Lying about the performance of Soviet missiles would be counter-productive.

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Fight the export missile? and the P-24T that came from somewhere

R-24T that British got from nowhere so R-73 can be same fake.

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Look guys, you can pull it apart all you want. Frankly its copium. British documents aren’t anymore favourable to our own equipment and the laughable state they are often in.


why would it need a nerf it cant pull as much as the r73

You think pull matters that much? In 16v16 constant furball meta? 30G doesn’t struggle against anything that isnt point blank

Why are you comparing missiles from a similar time period for maneuverability? The Soviets were a step ahead…
We’re talking about the aim9m being a monster that can’t be flared, while the r73 can even be flared with 3 flares despite the fact that irccm should be better at r73?