VT4A1 rear and behind wheel should be raised much higher as reality

First,there is must a bug or issue on VT4A1 model,which makes VT4A1 tracks so weird and its behind gear sink so low.in reality Chinese zhuhai airshow,or thailand training vedios,there are hundreds pictures and vedios to show its Track are very flat ,and in reality VT4A1 behind wheels is not sunk to so low place like in war thunder.The reason is very easy,since gaijin make same mistake to PLZ05 and ZTZ99A before in dev .Gaijin fix PLZ05 this same issue quickly,and fix ZTZ99A same issue in 2 years.Talk back to VT4A1,its clearly the same issue,gaijin made Chinese mbts hang system is too wrong.Gaijin first made hang data,then make mbts weight,heavier engine always make Chinese mbts behind place sink badly,this issue is never on other nations mbts ,i dont know why this issue do only exist on Chinese every unique mbts…If you checked them…sad,must be some china bias from gaijin,and gaijin always deny this bug exist,how can this same bug happened everytime to a new mbt of China?Gaijin,how dare u to deny there exist a bug,if you are not blind,you can clearly see VT4A1 behind place sinks hard,and in reality it totally not sink at all.VT4A1 already have a very bias bad gun angle which is only -5,while it have Tank direction ring tilts forward like ZTZ99A(-7),how can you limit VT4A1 gun angle so bad just because you did a bad and wrong work on VT4A1,and ask we chinese main players to suffer your bias and fault?Keep be blind to to this issue,and ask some polish rulers to deny every bug report on this issue,i dont know how you cant remember you just fixed PLZ05 and ZTZ99A totally same bug that sink tank ass…VT4A1 is the worst and unfun to play mbt in 12.0,every italian and british cryer should come to taste this unique bias shiT with only -5 and most front only -3 gun angle and You crying “TOO OP,Gaijin love China” mbt.
As a chinese main,and i believe most chinese players want to give thailand VT4A1 to Japan.Since gaijin dont care we chinese write bug reports with so many clear and close picutres evidence.Let Japan enjoy this garbage bias shiT,i can be sure Japanese will cry 10 time louder than we chinese.And gaijin love japanese,they even give them fake tanks/jets,just becuase gaijin think Japanese need them.Hey,gaijin,how about give Chinese VT4A1 totally -7 gun angle,i am not even greedy to ask you give fake -10 gun angle,i just ask you Restoring the -7 depression angle in reality,since you will never listen to chinese players crying or accept enough evidenced bug reports on this awful tank, and keep thinking its same as in reality.If VT4A1 is on japanese line,you will fix this awful bug in 1 week and buffed its engine to 1500hp,just because japanese players need it and it can use 1500hp in Norinco books.Totally double standard to different nations,while on same issue or even only chinese have this model wrong and hang system sink issue.Sad.
Give thailand VT4A1 to Japanese,gaijin,we chinese are all bored to write hundreds bug reports on this totally unfinished and biased tank.If you dont accept our bug reports and never fix these awful bug on this awful unfun tank,just copy to Japan,let Japanese cry,i can bet you will fix all these bugs in 1 month.While we chinese still waiting over a year with all bugs deleted or denied,with copies robot rulers words “NOT A BUG” "PICUTES AND PLA OFFICIAL INNER AND CLOSE LOOK VEDIOS AND INTRODUCE CANT BE EVIDENCE."Gaijin,how about delete your added 5 totally fake Japanes tanks/planes before you denied chinese bugs to save this garbage mbt?Look at KD data of VT4A1 and ZTZ99A,if VT4A1 is so good,why over 14000 players VT4A1 kd is even lower than Italy C1?While with worse protection and same firepower and no APS ZTZ99A kd is higher than C1 and m1a2?This is not Chinese skill issue,this is just VT4A1 sucks as hell.




What it should be


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That’s not how geometry works.

The current peak height is correct.
The engine deck is supposed to be flat as shown in the phototgraph.

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