Vt4 turret spalling

Is it just me or do hits to the breach, or anywhere near the turret create an ungodly amount of spalling? Many times i will get hit in the breach and it sprays both guys in the turret. If im in a russian tank like t80, the spalling flies foward in a tight jet, often missing the crew entirely. But on vt4 its like being hit with 150mm aphe


I also have the same problem with the ZTZ 99a, which seem to get killed any time I get hit in the turret. The spalling is huge, and as the others have suggested on the forum, the model of ztz99a in game is incorrect, it has a way larger weak spot than irl. I suspect the same with vt4, as it should have better armour.


VT-4’s armor and spall liner isn’t modelled properly


In fact, I don’t think they modelled it at all, the spalling is so great, that a 30mm APFSDS could 1 shot me through the gun breech knocking out both crews. Also why is the Chinese gun breech so big, it should be identical to the russian one, except it stops less spalling for some reason.


I have noticed a funny thing. Even if you break a russian tank’s gun breech it can still shoot as if it was never damaged.

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I realised this when I was in custom battles with my friend playing russia, and it seems like the swedish and british tanks can more or less do the same thing. I don’t know what is wrong or can chinese tanks do the same, but you just get knocked out anyway. The chinese tanks also need to reload again sometimes after the breech is broken, is it true for all nations?

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