VT-5 (Bangladesh) Discussion

I hope this gets its well deserved BTA2 round to further distinguish itself from the ZLT11


Can you do the same for elevation angle?

Here is the VT5 game model at 20 degrees elevation. This is harder to do because gaijins lazy bum did not model a turret basket, and there is a carousel autoloader modeled inside the tank… seriously…

Im guessing the modelers didn’t intend on anyone seeing this… embarrassing error.


I think -8 is realistic, accounting for how much the gun would recoil

Can you get a render of the gun breech fully back? Maybe we could get a better assessment that way.


Yeah sure, the red circles are what appears to be left over autoloader models from the carousel, yep those parts are there too. This is what it appears to be with 8 degrees of gun depression with the breach block pretty much completely extended to the very back. It is very doable.

They raised the VT5 turret roof above where the gun is, to still limit the gun depression to -5. I want to know where they got the -5 degrees data from. Because this is getting ridiculous, I hate their “hidden sources”


I mean, it is possible to show to Gaijin but idk if they would accept it.
Guess we have to wait for update or next dev (if there is one) to see if they changed it.

I’m not even going to bother, obviously Gaijin will not accept me using their own game model to fight against them. War thunder isn’t a reliable source afterall, (ha)

This is a certified Gaijin moment


Their model in conjunction with images showing the depression to a calculable degree would be sufficient evidence for them to accept. Guess we gotta get everybody to drop images of the VT-5 with it’s gun depressed

Too bad thatll be impossible to find, China has quite the obsession of locking the gun in place during everything, be it demonstrations and or exercises. I almost never get to see a Chinese tank using all of it’s gun depression.

Spall liner.



Added to an existing report. Thank you!


Not even gaijin can deny that those are spall liners. Probably still won’t add them though.


VT-5 with APS, launcher not installed yet but there is radar


New turret?

should be same but with new platform attached to install the APS and radar

Which APS could it receive? GL-5 or the new one?

idk, the launcher is not installed yet, but should be GL-6, GL-5 is last gen product. and the PLA service version is not likely shown in export vehicles.

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I really wanna know if there’s a techtree version of VT5, it’s nearly a top tier light tank that CN TT lack for long term, because of the NERA, it’s much more advance than ZTQ-15, but it’s a squadron vehicle?
I know it’s easier to get but I don’t have any CN ground vehicle to grind from now on, hope a full equipment version like side Heavy ERA, BTA2 APFSDS and remote control MG variant would come.

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Smin said the VT-5 with side ERA is not planned for this update. So we will only get the squadron VT-5 for this update.