RHA steel
and the ammos are at wrong place, not matching the blow-out panel, take the place of electronic devices bay.
Instead of adding composite armor in the turret gaijin decided to make its armor paper thin 😑. Do you have any official document that mentions VT-5’s armor protection?
-5 elevation while the breech can still rise to a maximum of -7, which is aberrant for a tank that is used in the mountains
@WaretaGarasu Is the armor values for the VT-5 final or is it bugged? If this is final, can you share the source that developers used for modelling the armor?
The Armor Values are work in progress, any report about it would be helpful as always.
Yeah I expected as much, no way the turret composite should be less effective than rubber.
Anyone know what’s the resolution of VT-5’s thermal sight in the game? It should be 1280×1024 according to a document.
I dont have dev server downloaded, can you submit the bug report? I can DM you the screenshots of that document.
I can, though I’m not sure how to get current resolution without through datamine which is not accepted.
Lets hope its placed into the correct location under the blowout panel when the autoloader is added.
Slight improvement
It is better than you think, like other Chinese top tier MBTs the turret is angled slightly downwards (by around -2 degrees), actual depression is around -7.4 degrees.
Still though, there is more space for the gun breech at -5.4.
I’m considering that is it possible to issue this by comparing VT-5 to other tanks that has similar extra roof space, like Cockerill 3105 turret, to make it has more gun depression
China’s obsession with always having the gun locked in a positive elevated position is really really really annoying. I’m going through tons of footage of both the ZTQ-15 and VT-5, and they never show the gun being stabilized when going over rough terrain, the gun is ALWAYS locked in the up position. It’s such a massive pain I don’t think it’s possible to ever find the VT-5 showcasing it’s gun depression.
Not to mention Chinese tv channels literally have the biggest yappers who say nothing useful, no stats. On the “armor segment” of the VT-5 showcase on CCTV, they say nothing useful just pure slop, all they talk about is it has modular armor, it has laser warning receiver, the best armor is to not get hit first. And a vague statement saying “with modular armor it has MBT level protection.” And it can protect against RPG’s NLAW and Javelins. But no hard numbers or protection level statements.
I’ve given up, I hope one of you guys can go search and find the holy grail of “not actually locked gun in Chinese training exercise.”
Apparently from an interview with the VT-5 designer
(This source was rejected by Gaijin btw)
Thanks, now I know that China is regarded, even if this source was rejected. They built a tall tank with a high turret ceiling and elevated section for the gun, only to limit the gun depression to the same as the VT-4, a much shorter tank, with a much flatter turret.
Here’s a picture that demonstrates the VT-5’s gun elevated 21 degrees.
The 12.8 degree limit currently is a disgrace.
I mean, don’t ask me lol
the designer said -5 degrees was enough.