Oh sweet jesus nice, but quick question for affected vehicles, shouldnt it be the case for the Flarakrad as well?
I really hope so, the lack of automatic lead really hurts the FlarakRad against fast-movers, more so than any other top tier SAM system since its still stuck with the archaic 2 missiles per volley and no manual reload…
To begin with the flarakrad is an imaginative system that csnt shoot the vt1 in reality. So tzey might just as well give them that ability
The Flakrad isn’t on the same Crotale platform, if it has the computer to calculate it, someone would have to report that individually.
The FlaRakRad programm never did fire VT1 missles in the first place 😂 planned for the future it seems but never realised
I’m aware, but I’m not sure how much Gaijin is willing to extend to the in-game model.
Roland was a older system and crotale was one of the first in sight with that type of guidance if im not mistaken pantsir is got something like crotale but i dont give gaijin ideas pantsir already broken
VT1 its a very good rocket. And the ito or just the flarakrad very potent anti air. Just need higher skill to VT1 after the “rocket guidance rework” but i love it. Pretty good range and fine manouverablity and the flarakrad have IRST and good thermal optic and the ito too. I think you have skill issue
first this was made before the most recent vt1 buff it has nothing to do with skill its simply not functioning how it should
VT1 work perfectly to me. Idk the peoples why cope
because they were just buffed and are much more useable
It’s very dependent on the internet connection. Half of the time for me, when the missile reaches 7-8km, it starts wobbling dozens of meters around my sight, so the missiles moves to far from the plane to actually proxy fuse the target, even when the target is moving straight and my sight is moving in the same direction. My hope with ACLOS is that it improves long range accuracy that might depends on people personal internet connections.
I dont think the ACLOS has been added in the future. But yes the desync pretty intresting thing like a stormer hvm. Any laggspike or packetloss the ammo fly over the target and dont hit.
Isn’t the firing mode of the Pantsur and Tor basically ACLOS ? When I say I want ACLOS for the VT1, I specifically want that. Because, while I don’t have either of those SAM, I got mentioned by some people that have them that this system is very unreliable at short ranges (on which SACLOS still works for most people including me), but helps a ton in long distance shots that are above 7-8km, on which I start having troubles.
Now, if they give the ACLOS to the VT1, I also believe the G load should be reduced from 50 to 35G, which is the real G limit, as ACLOS should do the heavy lifting of leading the missile in those shots (which is currently done by having the VT1 pulling to much to stay somewhat in the sight when tracking a fast moving target)
I think you mean the “automatic controll” guidance thing… And that works awful…