Vought F4U-5 Corsair : The Corsair who missed the golden age

Premium J2M5 has a significantly different FM, I haven’t flown J2M2 enough but compared to J2M3 it feels stiffer.
WT wiki often has outright fictional information, like this wonderful snippet from the Ki-43-1’s page:

" For turnfighting, you can out-turn most monoplanes and almost all heavy fighters/attackers even without combat flaps deployed, but never turn with Spitfires and Zeros."

Climbing counts, you’re still superior to like 95% enemies in that.

Maybe it only works against german planes, but a short burst is more than capable of doing so. Shredding bombers is also very easy from the right angle.

“Coordinated” hahaha

F-82 more of a shitbus than a fighter. Regardless, they made mistakes.

Is that not what you said right there?

Defensive maneuvers = me diving and rolling while staying just within gun range, a Corsair woulda done that better with its better roll rate, and might even be capable of escaping with high straight line speed retention.

The one I quoted.

Sounds like you met a bad A7M player, since all he had to do was keep his alt for speed, get directly above you, and shallow dive riiiight on top of you. Then just a matter of throttle dropping as needed to stay behind you.

Which is true because they can be nearly invulnerable to the much slower turnfighters - case in point, Bearcat capable of going 100kph faster at sea level than a Model 52 Zero does at 6km, at a lower BR.

An even better example of this is the XP-50, which gets a free energy advantage every match due to extremely good high alt performance, great climbrate, and interceptor air spawn. They could EASILY BnZ everyone in the match or push them down into and below slower-climbing teammates.
But every time I queue up around 4.0 and I really pay attention, you’ll undoubtedly see XP-50s not climbing at all and choosing to go after attackers or other fighters who also don’t climb. This isn’t uncommon. XP-50s that actually climb and keep their altitude are RARE.

That was changed due to farmers abusing the proximity score mechanic. Similar to how sim economy keeps getting shafted.

appeal to authority

Not a very high bar, remember Klimb Afterburner? That sure got passed quickly, no need for extra information!

Anyway, not sure why we got the minor variant -4B corsair before the F4U-5. Would make more sense to add major models first and later worry about filling in the gaps with discount models.
Or why there’s no -4 with the better engine…

My mistake i already knew it was bad just forgot about it. i meant to say when i fought them before i saw j2m2s turning very well and has also outturned me in yak3u at low speeds. and i meant its the highest p:w j2m2 below 5.2km not above.

i didnt say it wasnt? i said most players continuously wep while only going straight to the middle which negates it.

a “short burst” meaning multiple rounds have to hit the same area, not just a few. I get that u have good aim but that has nothing to do with me saying its hard for most people, u dont need to keep repeating.

at the very least competent enough? do i have to state every single meaning for you really dude?

good top speed, good roll rate, characteristics that are typical of bnz planes. what better us bnz plane is at 5.0? p51d30 only also with atrocious rudder? yk whats funny the f82s rudder actually isnt complete doo doo like all the other 5.0 bnz and can fully deflect at 600ias lol so it rlly isnt that bad. I get the feeling they were trying their hardest but as i said our retention and better climbrate gradually close the energy gap. even if they did everything right I get the feeling ull doubt me anyway.

“bnzing squad” meaning ANY squad that was using bnz tactic, not only yours. how do u not understand bruh?

i was going off the situation that the spitfires had enough altitude to dive to catch any fast plane, which the ki84 certainly then would be better at evading them.

im saying for the 2nd time, that was an overreaction. it was also literally just me explaining why gaijin lowered it, and again how bnzing is harder to turnfighting, the current br of the f8f1s and a6ms are just an example of gaijin not balancing things properly, which u for some reason keep using to make a legitimate case. but stop acting like it is completely hopeless. they can easily dodge any passes when they have enough speed and if a6m side climbed and no one noticed they become very annoying. rudder is also a lot better than the f8f1 or p51d30 which helps for dodging. The bearcat has an atrocious rudder that u completely ignored which makes me think u mostly got ur kills in 1v1s. there are really tryhard a6m pilots that take the time to sideclimb unnoticed and have ~5kd (already minus half for possible ai farming).

everything is dynamic, i was abusing the worse roll and elevator compresson of the a7m2 and lower top speed if he didnt want to attack i can outrun him. im pretty sure he did very close to what u described.

3rd time ur making a case with undertiered planes against overtiered planes, what are u doing? i said i know they were undertiered u dont need to repeat myself. a6ms have horrible climb yea but has decent mer and isnt one of the many turnfighters that also have competitive climb rates. these bnz (high top speed/high speed acceleration, low climb rate, worse MER, maneuverability and snappiness) vs turnfighter (usually better climb rate, higher low-med speed acceleration/lower top speed, better MER, maneuverability and snappiness) fights all happen dynamically. bnz have better top speed and high speed acceleration yea, doesnt really make it any easier to kill turnfighting planes with better characteristics in many other categories, especially when so many bnz planes have atrocious rudder worse than turnfighters. im saying this from experience of the yak fight against 2 bnzers and because i really never had issues dodging p51h and bnzers in 109k4 tah yak3u.

well that doesn’t help at all for players wanting bnz playstyles

idk any of the story to that, but what i said was the sources metrallaroja shared seem legit so if they arent u have to prove it.

the -4b already has the better engine (-42w) if u mean other differences idk, -4 at 4.3 has -18w although the f4u7 also has the same but the hp looks very similar to the 4b, not sure what the difference is apart from heavier airframe and 114 400mm heat rockets. i also hope it gets added although it most probably wont.

Literally player error, that’s entirely their fault

Does have six guns.

Nah I just thought it was funny. At least one of them was in a Tigercat too.

That’d be my pick, you can play around the bad rudder and its much superior elsewhere. F-82 is funniest when you set convergence to minimum.

Well I can’t control others so idk what to tell you. Just that we had great success when using subpar aircraft and working together against a superior enemy with equal numbers.

Can, but you’d be taking yourself out of the match for a pretty long time due to the A6M’s bad climb rate.

Roll rate isn’t bad, you can setup your approach to not put much work on the rudder. There were a couple 1v1s, but also many times where I could just come in, shoot someone in a group for free, and get out completely unscathed.

Works when I do it ¯\ (ツ) /¯

Because that’s the reality of Air RB. Whichever plane is strongest at its BR defines the meta and how everything else stacks up in comparison. Sure the J2M3 or 109 K4 are decent, solid fighters, but you could be flying a Yak3U instead (at the same BR) and there’s no way to get around that.


That’s what I mean, we shoulda had a -4 (w/ .50cals) and the -42W engine already. Wouldn’t take much effort from gaijin to make either, just change the engine stats in the -4 and voila, new plane so you have a Corsair to bring out at say, 5.0.

F4U-7 is a later model with more weight as it was meant for ground attack IIRC.

The first F. 22s were produced with production batch PK 312 long before VE / V-J day. You find a lot of data (including crashes before VE day) on this page:

production page 085

So if you refer to data regarding operational service or combat sorties i do agree that there is just the F. 21 mentioned, but technically seen the F. 22 is just a F. 21 with a teardrop canopy.

The F. 22s with the stronger Merlin 85 engines are definitively not WW 2 props, but wt has implemented the weaker engine of the F. 21.

Have a good one!

Fair enough. Although neither the F.21 or F.22 saw any major service during or after the war, unlike the F4U-5