Voice Chat not working properly

I’ve already posted this as a support ticket but thought I’d paste it here just to bring more awareness to it. The game has Voice Chat available and should work properly for those that want to use it!

Voice Chat currently does not work continuously, where speaking doesn’t activate it even with Push-To-Talk off. Furthermore, the biggest issue is that Voice Chat appears to stay in the Main Menu area, as well as during matches at the same time.

Instead of Voice Chat staying isolated where you go as a player, whether it’s the Main Menu or a Match, Voice Chat stays active across both dimensions. The other day I was playing a match with Voice Chat active and another player that was in the Main Menu was conversing with me through their own mic. Likewise, the Squadron I was with at the time could hear me talking in their Main Menu’s as I was in a match.

On top of this, even on maximum volume, Vocie Chat is very weak compared to the default sound settings for vehicle mechanisms such as engines, gunfire, air, and waves. Please rework the volume in regards to other in-game sounds!

In essence; My teammates can hear me communicate, but so can people in the Main Menu area.

theres voice chat?!


Yes! Just go to the Top Left in the Main Menu, select Options, then Sound, and scroll all the way to the bottom to see Voice Chat settings!

I have Push-to-talk turned off for better communication with teammates but as you may have read, Voice Chat in itself is broken at the moment!

pretty cool that its present even if non functional

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It’s only to your actively ‘invited’/created squadmates. It doesn’t work for auto-squadies, or other teammates.

When you aren’t in a created squad, then your main squadron can hear it, and not just in the main screen, whilst in battle if they are lone-wolfing they will also get it.

I am not so sure, as I’ve asked my teammates a few times before if they could hear me and they typed Yes in response in the game chatbox during the corresponding matches. This was from blue players meaning they were not in my pre-created squad for the match.

It’s a bit confusing, I just know that the unintended audience is able to hear you, as opposed to where you the player are currently located, whether it be in a match or not.

Yea, nah, shouldn’t be to the entire team. Only to the squad otherwise moderation is too chaotic on it.

The squadron is still an intended target, but it’s not known about making the squad making you not talk to them.

It could be part of the bug though too, I haven’t used voice chat for yonks.

It applies to auto squadies.

Yea, absolutely shouldn’t be anyone else but your created squad, or your squadron.

But there are definitely times where I would want to communicate with my whole team, not just my squad even if that is how it’s supposed to work.

Is it really supposed to just be your Squad/Squadron?

I wish it was just proximity for ground

I used it extensively for a number of years, it’s always just been the squad/squadron alone.

Otherwise you’d be accosted by randoms and you couldn’t avoid it.

Jeez that seems restrictive. I would like something akin to old COD comms, talking openly by default with the option for your teammates to mute you if they wish.

I don’t believe there’s a particular need to only communicate with your squadmates over the rest of the team either way, squadmates, assigned or invited, seldomly stick together anyway. And calling out important enemy movements is much more important strategy-wise.

That would make sense considering we have a radio communication crew skill.

Just saying, it’s just been that way for a long time.

I’d rather not have some kid screaming through the mic to the team about how badly the team are sucking because they died.

Lol just don’t suck then. Team arguments can be hilarious, especially when players do suck.

If you suck, stick to Arcade or one of the World of “Vehicle” type games.

Just to be clear, I don’t condone bullying of any kind.

It’s a perception and blame issue though, as many don’t want to admit they are responsible.

If people even think that it’s something to pass on, then the issue is with themselves.

I just use it as a simple example that unmoderated ‘pairing’ in to voice channels isn’t actually good, and it would be a bug by my eyes, because it definitely shouldn’t be intentional to spread that ‘contact’ to the entire team.

Self-accountability is important, I know I admit my mistakes. But maybe that’s just because I am self-critical and a perfectionist.

I sincerely hope that proximity chat gets added (ban speedrun)

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