VN-22 (GL-6 APS) -- The Hongqi of Wheeled IFV's

Should be added at ~10.7 with APFSDS-T. Essentially will be like the Freccia but with an APS. +1

Hope to see other variants too like:

VN22 (UW4B RWS) | BR: 9.7

VN22B | BR: 9.3


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They’ve already added the GL-6 active protection system to the game, and it’s the one you’ll find on the VT4A1. I reckon you should trust the dev team to get things right. If they’re missing some details, they can always fill in the gaps using other sources. It’s just a game, for goodness’ sake!

I know what the GL6 is. I know its capabilities. I’m just not convinced that functional version of it was fitted onto a VN22. That’s it. I’m not against it’s addition in the slightest. Far from it. I just think it’s much better to temper your expectations when it comes to the VN22’s addition and to not be surprised if Gaijin decides against the GL6 for it.

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make chinese players happy again?