This Tiger prototype dont deserve the same BR than the tech tree variant. You cant use angle tactic becuase the 80mm weak spots in the frontal armor and the turret speed is much much worse and even is lower in foward speed giving worse movility than the tech tree variant.
The only good is his reverse but thats all.
This tank should be lowered to 5.0 with all his drawbacks and very low number, in 5.0 is far for be a problem for the gameplay.
My only concern would be that it’d curb stomp if it got downtiered but trolly Russian things already do this so the idea seems viable
100mm front armour and cant angle, that is sherman levels of protection. It is just a big gun and slower compared to sherman, 5.0 will be good br as it can play like a TD.
This is one of the least played German tanks ingame atm.
Moving it down to 5.0 would help imho because this is the worst Tiger tank ingame. The 5.7 version of the tank is a significant leap up with the extra 100mm of armor which justifies its BR.
It’s the least played Tiger because it’s the least owned Tiger
The furry tiger is rarer but unlike the vk45, it’s good
I mean that’s cause it’s just a Tiger with a Tiger Camo. There weren’t any statistical changes. It was simply a Gaijin embracing the communities memes. I mean I remember once calling one of the devs the Russian CallMeCarson long before the stuff occurred with him(the CC not WT Dev), and idk if he saw the comment but that smile made me assume he did or I like to think he did. Made my damn day since it wasn’t an insult just an observational joke that I thought was a bit funny.
Anyway, the point is Furry Tiger isn’t comparable.
That is why it should have its missing smoke added:
Let’s not open this Pandora’s Box. It would lead to endless flame wars on the forums. The only objective way to determine the armor thickness and other properties of a vehicle is from records of how they were designed to be made, without dragging into the mix production tolerances and whatnot.
I suggested the BR change in the recent BR topic, please if agrre with me support it!!!
does it look like the side armor is also 117-118mm to anyone else? because that in itself would be a huge improvement considering the inability to currently angle with the 80mm it currently has… Heck I’d take even 100mm slanted front armor pieces.
Yes it is 117-118 mm
you reverse into battle like an is-2
His rear is different and weaker so this tactic dont work like in IS-2.
60 mm > 80 mm in this game?
Of course. What did you expect after 48 > 52.