VK 36.01 (H) The Tiger I father

i would say 4.3. It would be a good 4.3, and a usable 4.7

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+1 gib!!!

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I’m not holding my breath, but if the devs took the time to model APCNR correctly I’d be pleasantly surprised. It’d add some spice to the German tech tree instead of your typical ‘APCBC-HE go brrrr’

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Why dont you copy this over to the real suggestion part?

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i will do it, thanks mate

You may copy my post and mention me or link it to save some time. 7,5/5,5 cm Pak 41 KwK 41 or Waffe 0725

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I tried to post in the suggestions tab, but I couldn’t.
If you are a native English speaker, could you do this?

I mean i can do one, but not copy yours thats pagarism.

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I agree. I think it would be a good “training wheels” tiger so people aren’t jumping straight from a panzer III


The pz3 ausf. L with the squeeze bore got passed to developers. If this gets added chances are better for this to get added

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I confess that I’m already tired of this suggestion.
I’ve been fighting for him on the forum since 2015

Several issues.

1, extremely weak cupola, that will be penned by literally everything. Get ready to be 1shotted by Swedish 40mm SAP.
2, Horrible turret design: 80mm mantlet, that is 80mm (75mm effective if it is cast), with 80mm, likely RHA frame. Most 3.3 and higher will just LOLpen it even at distance.
You can’t ange it, because of the shit angled side-front plate (unknown thickness, but even if it is 80mm, it would still prevent any angling.
3, Bad hull. 100mm at 4.0 and higher for a heavy tank is laughable, if we take the horrible turret into account. This is not the only issue. You can angle a KV-1 very well, since the front is 100mm, and the side is 75mm (instead of 60 here), or even 100mm at some places.
4, likely bad mobility. It has 0.1 HP/t less, that the Tiger H1. While the max speed looks good, it will likely stuggle to reach it even in arcade, with almost double engine power.
Add the 4.16 km/h reverse speed, and get a functionally useless tank.

The gun is going to be good, no matter if it is a medium or the long 75mm.

Basically, it would be just inferior to a KV-1B, or even to a normal KV-1 L-11. I’d say BR 4.3 at max, but more likely 4.0.

No, i think its rolled into shape like the Pz IIIs gun mantlet.

I’m going to laugh my ass off since aside from the cupola and the forward speed you just described the M6A1.


I think your assessment was extremely pessimistic
Give me one, and I’ll prove to you that it can be 5.0

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It seems like 4.7 or 5.0 material with KwK 40, 5.0 with the 75mm squeezers, and 4.3 with a LeFH 18 (assuming that’s the 105 L28 referenced). Any way, a great addition for TT. We need more WWII vehicles, and the gap between the Pz III M and Tiger H1 is probably the largest in the German tree.

I personally think the 105mm derp gun assault tank in particular would be super fun to play. That’s a vehicle type that’s super lacking in WT at the moment, and this, the M45, KV-9, and Churchill VII AVRE are some of my most anticipated WWII vehicles.


Yeah, agreed, the M6A1 comparison is very apt. I’d go 4.7 or 5.0 to start with and see how it does, then put it higher or lower depending on how it performs, or leave it as is of course.

Quoting every word. Nothing to add, except that I’m confident we’ll see all of them. If it exists, it’ll come to the game eventually, it’s a question of when, not if.

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I just think its funny he’s talking about 100mm of hull armor with sloping sides you can’t angle as utterly execrable for a heavy above 4.0 when one of those exists at 4.7 (and that’s Arcade, its even worse in RB at 5.0), especially since the M6A1 has functionally no side armor and so it couldn’t angle even if those slopes didn’t exist. Add in mediocre turret armor and the M7 that is outpenned by German guns several BR’s lower and you have a joke of a heavy tank, but hey, you have a 37mm and a stabilizer.


I got that, trust me, and I agree. I’m not that type of German main 😁

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really underselling the stabilizer and the additional gun. There is a reason it’s higher than the kv1s. It’s still a great tank in my opinion. Despite that the squeeze bore has high pen but really bad post pen aswell and bad angle modifier because it’s apcr. Shouldn’t be higher than 4.3 for that fact