Visible differences between the PL-8 and PL-8B

It’s pretty well known that the Magic 1 and Magic II have rather minor differences between the two, the most pronounced being the seeker colors.


Magic I


Magic II

As you can see, the seeker of the Magic II is clouded compared to the semi-transparent seeker of the Magic I.

Now onto my main question and whole point of the post, does this apply to the PL-8 and PL-8B?


Regular PL-8(?)


Am I correct in this assumption? I hope I don’t look like an idiot here but call me out if I am. Thanks!


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Awesome, thanks for the answer!

Is there any other major visual differences to help pick them out in photos?

The most obvious upgrade point of PL8B and PL8A is to upgrade the transparent guide head to a semi transparent white guide head

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The missile change in your first photo of the PL8 missile is marked as P8Axxxxxxxxx, which proves that this missile is a PL8A


Alrighty, thanks for answering tho

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I even believe the PL-8B is actually a tab bit longer than the normal PL-8, I swear I saw a photo of them side by side once with a noticeable length difference.

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Hm, I’ll try to find side by side photos and get back to you

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Okay, I could only find a few photos where the aircraft are in relatively similar positions, it seems the PL-8B wingtip pylons hang off the wings more than the PL-8 pylons.

Also the PL-8Bs are inert/ training rounds



Idk, the difference is like maybe a few inches and that could just be the distance from the camera, probably is actually.

I couldn’t find any images of them side by side though sorry

Found it, but taking a second look, it may be 2 PL-8Bs that are slightly offset from the other giving the impression of a length difference. Not to mention the seekers look identical…

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These Chinese dudes always got the craziest things in their houses bro 😭

Anyways they do appear to be offset and they may be 3/4 scale to 1/1 scale models

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