[Video] The Shooting Range #427

You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.

In this episode...

  • Pages of History: Unconventional Use for SPAAGs
  • Tactics & Strategy: VTOL Dogfighting
  • And Metal Beasts: Air Superiority Dragon

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When B-57 Video?

Well… No surprise Gaijin missed some of the Harrier’s party trick when it comes to thrust vectoring.

Slap the nozzle into the breaking stop (100% TVC), perform a barrel roll and the target will fly out in front of you. Done this too many times in Sim and its hilarious everytime. No one understands what happened and nothing on the planet can slow down as quickly as a harrier.

Also, IRL, you missed the Harrier’s ultimate party trick.

It could hide its heat signature by thrust vectoring:


This tactic enabled Sea Harrier FRS1s flown by NAS 801 to absolutely destroy US F-5Es (1v1 combat) and F-15As (2v2 combat) in mock combat in 1980 ish. Heck, this effect might even be good enough to prevent an Aim-9L from locking on based upon this passage:


But alas, in game. Gaijin made the Harriers the hottest target in the sky, so good luck ever flaring anything.

(Let alone fake nerfs like the smokey exhaust that was reported months ago)

But yes, fighting targets in a harrier is always funny, the number of mig-29s, Su-27s and F-16s i’ve killed because ive forced them ultra low and slow and just maintained full control with 30% nozzle and combat flaps is just funny. Especially when the usually stall out

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Is there a “shooting range” about using “Track While Scanning” tutorial?

What book is this man?

“Sea Harrier Over the Falklands” by Sharkey Ward.

As stated in the header on the pages

Thanks man.

I’m grinding Brits right now and the Harrier sounds fun.

They should be, but need a LOT of work

Oo, goody.

Just finished TI and the Swordfish is so wholesome.