Vehicles for USA next update

Sikorsky’s ASPB Mk.2

Patrol Boat MKIII

USS Gyatt (DDG-1)

USS Rudderow (DE-224)

Twin engine P-40

The Bullwinder and Bombwinder, and the A-4C with them I guess
v3bjy63mpf481 (1)


The wut!? I’m looking this up for sure lmao…

The Bullpup, and the M118 with an AIM-9B seeker attached. Very funny.

Also if you’re wondering if it actually worked lol

The target was a 25-pound bag of charcoal that was ignited on the Baker
Range impact area. To deliver, the A-4 was pointed toward the target to acquire
guidance tone. With a solid tone the missile was launched by depressing the
bomb button.

During the first test, the missile flew a big corkscrew path and totally missed
the target. It took the engineers just a few minutes to determine that an
obvious scaling error caused the failure and the problem was quickly fixed.

Five days later we tried again and Bullwinder drilled through the center of the
charcoal fire. No question about it, the Sidewinder [GCU] worked perfectly
to control the missile

The Bombwinder also has the goofiest name ever

“Built-In Guided M-118 Under Terminal
Homing for Accuracy” or BIG MUTHA.



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God please, the US would actually have a semi viable top tier SPAAG that does not require a TD spawn cost.

That or the Israeli phalanx on a HMMETT with a VLS.

Gib more weird cold war US weapons like these two and the AIM-95.


Hadn’t heard of it before but looks like it would fit right in the game! Beautifull looking aircraft.

What are the differences between the M6 Linebacker and the Bradley?

Stinger missiles, and I believe add on armor/ERA

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Ok thanks

No problem

gaijin already said that gripen c variant will come to sweden between the first and the second major update, it isn’t come in the first so we’ill se it in the new


Would love to see the finalized Rockwell XFV-12.

Since we have the production variant of the Yak-141, I see no reason as to why we cant get the finalized production variant of the XFV-12, and with it’s purposed stores it would be a really capable aircraft.

Max total capacity of 7 AIM-120s + 2 SRAAMs.


F/A 18 Hornet???

Considering they foldered the M1919 and the M42 SPAAs, part of me has a hunch that next update the US will receive a new ~5.0 range SPAA.

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That’s an M1134, not LAV-ATA1
the LAV-AT has a folding turret from the M901 or M901A1

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ERA is part of the BUSK kit. Every Bradley can accept that. The main difference is the Stinger missiles in place of the TOW launcher and the fire control system is geared more towards air defense.


So it would be as an AA, right

Oh right

I speculated in a different thread the next US SPAA would be the M114 with the 20mm M139, in the same way as the SUB and AMX-10 for Japan and France

There’s also the omega cursed option that is the XM808


I’d like to see the M114 at 5.7 as a counterpart to SUB I-II, and eventually both XM808 and XM800 at 6.3-7.3 as a Wiesel counterpart, a SPAA with scouting.

The other more conventional XM800:

The “twister” makes sense as a event vehicle of some sort, while the conventional is more fit for researchable TT.


The T58 heavy would be an absolute ultimate monster tank to buff the 7.7 U.S. heavy lineup which is comprised of only the T32 and M103.

All frustration of having a long reload and medium calibre performance is gone as this thing fires 155mm HEAT or HESH at an astonishing 2.3 second reload with a six-drum autoloading drum. While also having upwards of 127mm~ of cast armour for both the turret and hull.

Imagine the French Somua or Sublindè on steroids equipped with the T30’s cannon and you essentially have this thing:
