Vehicle research bonus miscalculation?

My total RP point earned about 15,000RP, I only got 751RP as Vehicle research bonus which will take effect in the first 5 rounds of a gameplay in each day. Even though without the skill bonus I still earned about 10,000, I expect the vehicle research bonus should be 10000x0.25 =2500.
Do please answer the following question:

  1. Could anyone explain it to me if there is any miscalculation?
  2. If it wasn’t a miscalculation, 750RP is too insignificant, would gaijin change it to a new mechanism that give more bonus?
  3. According to the image, the bonus should multiply to the basic RP where and how did you calculate the basic RP?

the vehicle research bonus only calculates based off of the base RP you earn from actions and comes before any other modifiers I believe (you can see where it says basic RP which is what it calculates off of)

I’m guessing you have premium account and/or premium vehicle?

The bonus (and the boosters) are calculated of the base RP value gained and not the end total after all the multipliers for premium.

i made an explanation of how i currently understand the RP calculations to work here:

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According to the image, the bonus should multiply to the basic RP. where and how did you calculate the basic RP? I do believe 2886RP show in the image was a skill bonus not basic RP.

So according to the question 2, 751 RP was too insignificant specially when I still gain 14K RP without that bonus.

I believe 9 kills makes the skill bonus give +100% of the base RP so it makes sense that it would be the same as the base RP, when you hover over the vehicle research bonus it shows the basic RP that is being used the calculate the bonus

please remember that the vehicle research bonus increases when you are researching higher tiers of vehicles, all the way to being +100% at top tier, and for 5 battles per day for each branch of each nation it ends up being quite a bit

Could you show highest research bonus you get? And by the way did you know how does the basic RP is calculated? I only saw the skill bonuses 2886, no detail for basic RP.

well in theory if you were researching a rank 7 or 8 vehicle you could be getting 2886 from the vehicle research bonus,

and as for basic RP as far as I am aware everything you do in game (hits, critical hits, severe damage, kills, assists, scouting, capping a point, etc) gives a set amount of RP which is totaled at the end of the battle, but since some time ago, the majority of your RP from each match will come from the “time played” section which is, and this is a theory, a set amount of RP per minute of the game multiplied by your “activity”

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So why would they separate them in the scoreboard, I considered it’s too less. We will have the bonus for first 5 game per day. Even though I getting 2886 RP which is 100% bonus rate in today’s mechanism, is still a nothing for new vehicle. Don’t even mention nobody can get this height of a research point in every game.