Vehicle camouflage not changing while on “Auto”

I have my tanks and vehicles camouflage on the “auto” setting for ease of use and loading into a match, however, it will be set on auto for a match, and then I end that match and go to another, let’s just say from Sinai to Sversk-13 and have the desert camo on, be because it switched off auto by itself. Anyone know if this is an actual bug or a clientside issue? For some detail, the vehicle I was using was a T-80U (Sweden)


I had the same issue. I did end up creating a new camo setting and excluded the standard camo and that seemed to work as i havent had the issue since. I also have one of the trophy skins in the line up so i dont know if that is causing problem or not.

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Has also been happening to me since the latest major update, pretty sure it’s a bug.

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Same problem.
I must manually switch on “auto camo mode” for each tank for each game.
The next game always keeps the previous camo selected, and never keep the “auto camo mode”.

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Yeah, got the same problem, pretty annoying…

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The problem seems to be solved during the last update.

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