VBM Freccia (Hitfist 30)

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Description: The VBM Freccia is an Italian 8x8 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle. Its development started back in the late nineties when CIO (Consorzio Iveco OTO Melara) started the development of an IFV of the already existing B1 Centauro tank destroyer as a private venture in order to make a new platform that could fit the Italian Army’s requirements. The first prototype, named VBC, was presented for the first time at Eurosatory 1996 alongside some other interesting Centauro versions that unfortunately would have never been adopted. The Italian Army, which was looking for a replacement for various old platforms like the M113 and the VCC1 and 2, bought the prototype and started a test campaign in order to see what the vehicle was capable of. After the trials, the Italian Army ordered an initial batch in 2009, but with various differences compared to the prototype. The initial turret, the Dardo’s Hitfist 25, was changed with a newer one, featuring the same cannon but with upgraded electronics, optics, armor, and Spike missiles instead of the old Tow 2. The hull structure was also modified in order to carry up to 8 infantrymen and to withstand 25 and 30 mm APDS rounds in the front like any other modern IFV (something the B1 was probably already capable of ). As for now, up to 630 Freccias were ordered by the Italian Army in various different versions, such as combat, command, anti-tank, mortar, and the new Freccia PLUS. But the subject of this suggestion is none of the previously mentioned variants; it’s indeed a base Freccia fitted with the Hitfist 30 turret. This turret is quite similar to the normal Hitfist 25, with the main difference being the Bushmaster 30 mm autocannon and additional armor. Unfortunately, no additional info is available for this specific prototype, but by the looks of his came and its location, it can be said that it’s very likely an experimental unit in service with the Italian army near a barrack or at a shooting range.

Why it should be in game: Having only the 30 mm as the main difference, It should be added at the same BR of the Normal one and like the Dardo in a folder so people can choose what cannon suit them better witouth being forced to play both of them.

Specifications (same as the normal freccia for this prorotype)





RID - Rivista Italiana Difesa - shownews - Il CIO fornirà 76 VBM Plus all'EI
Freccia IFV (2006)
Freccia (combattimento fanteria) - Wikipedia





Everything but Bushmaster II Mk. 44.

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yes + that was quick lol


Idk about the prototype in the photo, but in RID article tells about new Leonardo “X-gun” for VBM PLUS.
“As for the turret, the major innovation is the transition from the previous 25 mm (25x137) gun to the new 30 mm (30x173) X-GUN 30. This is a completely new machine gun, recently developed by Leonardo at its Brescia site. This weapon is capable of using all types of NATO standard 30x173 ammunition, including ABM (Air Burst Munition) ammunition, also suitable for anti-drone use (it should be noted, however, that the VBM Combat and VBM Controcarro are not intended for this task).”

The one of this prototype aint an X-gun (look at the barrel).

Yeah, I see ;)

Give give give!!!

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+1 i need it