VBL Puma 4x4 Prototype (TOW ATGM)

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General Info
The story of the VBL Puma series of vehicles begins all the way back during the late stages of the cold war, Iveco and Fiat had teamed up, and made as a private venture a set of 3 known vehicles, these would be the AVL 6634. the AVM 6633, and Lastly the AVH 6636. The AVL would specifically be the precursor to the Italian Puma. However, even though testing had shown that the vehicle not only could mount several weapon types if needed, such as a dual Milan launcher, it ultimately never got picked up by the Italian army. However to not let their work go to waste Iveco had continued to refine the design, and would finally come out with the Puma 4x4. The Puma 4x4 and Puma 6x6 are Italian light armored wheeled vehicles, the main reason it was adopted, was to allow the Puma to work together with the Centauro tank destroyer, however the vehicle was popular enough that even infantry divisions started getting equipped with it. The prototype versions which im suggesting are extremely similar to the production models, only design really being the main difference.The first batch of vehicles for Italy came in 2003, in which they were promptly put into service in the Italian armed forces. They ordered 330 4x4 variants of the vehicle and 250 of the 6x6 variants. The vehicle is made in such a way that adding more weapons is easy, thus creating multiple variants such as the Anti-Tank and Anti-Air. For the anti tank sector it can be equipped with up to 12 TOW ATGMS, and the Italian army has come out and stated that the production models can also use Milan ATGM’s, no pictures have been found in that configuration, but its likely similar to the TOW version. For anti air sector, its said it can be equipped with a light SAM launcher, Matra Mistrals or Stinger seem to be the likely ones, however finding info or pictures regarding this variant has not been too successful. There also is a Medi-vac configuration making the vehicle incredibly versatile in terms of what it can do. In terms of mobility, The Puma vehicles are powered by an Iveco 8042 TCA ,this allows the Puma to reach speeds up to 110km an hour. According to the CIO website,The Puma is equipped with air-conditioning, heating, a pressurized NBC system, an engine compartment fire protection system (both automatic and manual) and a winch for self-recovery (electric on the 4x4 and hydraulic on the 6x6). The 4x4 PUMA carries four and the 6x6 carries seven personnel (including driver). The prototype version of the Puma im suggesting would use the same smoke discharges present on the B1 Centauro or first Arietes. Later down the line, production vehicles would have 2 rows of three Galix smoke dischargers. The Italian production Pumas have an extensive service record, the Puma has partook in multiple peacekeeping and counter terrorism missions. For peacekeeping its been particularly been used in the Italian UN contingent, such as in Lebanon. For counter terrorism it has been used in places such as Afghanistan and a patrol and troop transport vehicle. It has also been exported to places such as Pakistan, who also use it for UN peacekeeping missions. Libya seems to be the one of the countries with a decent fleet in service. Italy was kind enough to donate 20 of them for use in counter terrorism, Libya decided covert a few of them and equip them with Russian made SA-6 Rockets. Other notable nations who use the VBL Puma are Djibouti and Argentina. (note-The Puma 6x6 is just slightly bigger than the 4x4, everything else it has pretty much can be added to the 4x4)





Why it should be in game
I believe this vehicle should be added as they’ll make a fine addition in the Italian tech tree, either by making multiple separate vehicles dedicated towards their variant or making 1-2 vehicles with a set amount of upgrades that make them unique. These vehicles are mass produced around Italy and since one of their tasks was to pair up with a centauro tank destroyer it’ll be great seeing them side by side. Just going off by their armaments they can prove themselves to be powerful inside of the regular tech tree, for example the 4X4 Puma with the Tow launcher could become the next step after the M113 Tow in the tech tree. Or (Although Italy has many AA) have an AA version with the mistrals or the Milan missiles, or perhaps adding one with the grenade launcher.



Iveco Fiat PUMA Brochure
VBL Puma ‘‘usage and maintainment’’ manual
Several Puma 4x4 and 6x6 manuals
Puma (Italian armoured fighting vehicle) - Wikipedia
Aerospace, Defence and Security
VBL Puma - Militarypedia
Tank Encyclopedia - The Online Tank Museum
Blindo Puma
Army Guide





+1 I have been waiting for the Puma 4x4 for years now and it’s still not in the game, like my beloved Re.2005 MM.495 VDM too.


+1 why is this not in the game yet ??!?!!?!?!?


+1 For more fast cars


+1 wheeled italian wiesel :D


This fits really well with Italy as well, since Italy is known for their fast vehicles, coupled with the fact that Italy only has one ATGM carrier in the game (excluding IFVs with ATGM pods). +vote from me!


This as a source might be useful to you:

Against. Only after the introduction of a sufficient number of wheeled vehicles for the USSR. Because I see how this thin line goes in favor of NATO wheeled vehicles.

Sounds like you want to start making suggestions for more BTR-80 variants and such, then. I haven’t done any reading on the topic, so you’ll probably want to seek out a community for the purpose of russian vehicle suggestions if you need outside help. Otherwise, I see no reason to hold back a minor nation’s potential just because it’s further along in a niche than one of the Big Three.


There is no NATO vs USSR thing in the game.


Such a selfish way of thinking, nobody is stopping you from asking for more wheeled vehicles for russia. By that logic nobody else should have any top tier tanks or AA added to their trees until Italy gets a new SAM or MBT. See how dumb that sounds?


No problem, it’s not selfish, it’s right. Add equipment to all nations at once, whether it’s an MBT or a pass-through machine.
I have always had a point of view and opinion that if one nation is given a “Y plane” then other nations, namely, everyone should also be given a “Y plane” at once.
And also, I want to note, no matter how much I flip through, no matter how many discussions I start, I heard only a few phrases “Soviet wheeled cars and tanks in the game are useless, they don’t have time to enter, they don’t belong here,” and I heard it exclusively from the players of the Western school of tank building, isn’t it surprising?
And what’s more, I’ve often heard such phrases “let one nation be cooler than another for a while.”
Isn’t that hypocrisy?
The question is different, on the forums I see topics with wheeled tanks and cars for Russia in the status of “transferred to the developer” but for some reason, only Western wheeled vehicles are implemented in the game.
Isn’t that hypocrisy on the part of the developers? I understand perfectly well that people like you and I can’t come to the office and say “enter this point”, so by the help of players like me, we try to convey our thoughts and desires to the developers. Through negative votes, multiple topics and disputes on forums. Unfortunately, we are no longer strong, as we are ordinary players.

Then where’s a supersonic IRCCM missile carrier for Italy? Where are the Spikes in the Israeli tech tree? I understand that you have gripes with Gaijin (that’s universal at this point) about the variety of vehicles they add for USSR, but it’s entirely irrelevant to discussion about the VBL Puma 4x4 Prototype.

P.S.: Russia did order, receive, and even domestically assemble some of the Italian VTLM Lince. Maybe they’ve stuck a Kornet on one by now?


+1, cute little ATGM carrier.
Probably 9.0 with TOW-2A/B


Dude! That’s what I’m talking about! That it’s time in the game to enter at least part of all the equipment, weapons and mechanics that exist. That if Italy is given adhesions on equipment, then it is high time for Israel and other operators of this weapon to give them out! I was the one who gave an example. And not to create an artificial shortage of certain weapons!

This would 100% be preferred over the M113 TOW

This and the C13 TOW would be fantastic


Can it swim?


Oh well.

Still a cool wheely boi!


