VBCI still lack EIREL

VBCI fixed command optic in a previous bug fix, but apparently its EIREL APS is still not added to the game.
There was already an earlier issue with the same thing, but Gaijin apparently didn’t do anything about it.
VBCI missing APS and co-ax doesn’t elevate with main gun


it’s really funny how it quite literally has EIREL on the turret, same as the AMX30B2 BRENUS and yet it’s not modelled at all. Especially funny that it’s been so long since the patch dropped and they haven’t bothered fixing it.


When is this finally getting fixed Gaijin?

it also gets turret ring damaged almost 90% of the hits, which is extremely annoying.

probably in the next major update

What’s REALLY funny is that Gaijin mentioned its APS in the VBCI dev blog so clearly they’re aware it’s supposed to have it

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