VBCI-2 (MCT30) nerf and no one talks about it

Before the latest “Air Superiority” update, I played with this VBCI a lot, and after the update, I was disappointed to see that the VBCI’s fire rate was decreased.
I’m not sure but I think the shooting accuracy has also been reduced.
I have the impression that no one realizes it, no one talks about it.

Here is a video of before and after the update :

Before the update:

After the update:


The warrior also has had its fire rate reduced. Must be purposeful.

Puma, kf41 and vilkas (with the same turret) aswell. Seems to affect all 200rpm guns. It’s noticable slower in my test. I compared it with this metronome video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzG7pWXOB3U

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I don’t think so because puma and kf41 fire slower aswell. Statcard says 200 rpm aswell.

Why is there no mention in the changelog ? 🤔

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Looks like all Cannons got their RPM reduced somehow, never reached the amount as it is mentioned in the statcard. It looks like the factor is roughly 20-25% slower. With the Puma i got only around 150 rpm. VBC and BMP2M around 450rpm.

i feel that, but all the MK44 BUSHMASTER II has been nerf. idk why they nerf something without a blog

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The rate of fire of my VBCI-2 (MCT30) seems to have been corrected.

I have the sweet feeling that it shoot like before the update.