Oh, I completely misread what the person I was replying to was saying. I shouldn’t post when tired. Yea, the SKRs are broken as fuck.
Chikugo sucks - it gets Bluewater spawn so is usually miles away from any coastal action where it might be able to dominate other boats with it’s automatic 76mm as others can do.
If you think it can go toe-toe with an SKR then that tells me you know little or nothing about naval, and can safely be ignored without losing anything important.
It can at least have a hope- something a slow twin 40mm torpedo boat can’t. That you’re apparently willing to keep the status quo this way tells me you either don’t care about naval’s future and want to keep abusing SKR, or you haven’t played naval in your life…
Before the “Alpha Strike” update, I will not deny that the chikugo could face even if the circumstances were favorable to eliminate a SKR, it was not easy but possible.
Right now I won’t tell you that it is impossible but I wish you good luck trying.
So the SKR-7 can kill around 10-15%/volley of the Z-25 crew, seems balanced. The recent change makes playing any german destroyer pointless.
Fixed it for you :3
exactly this. Even in something like the Daring, which has a 3.5ish second reload, you’re in all kinds of trouble if an SKR starts emptying his magazine in your direction.
Switch to your 40mm’s, kill the turrets, then disassemble at your leisure, remembering to hit those turrets occasionally :)
I used that tactic a lot with the Köln, the SKR is surprisingly weak against this type of weapon, but since the upgrade the SKR kills so fast that there is little you can do.
Currently the best ship to face the SKR is the K2, it is armored and its 120mm guns work better than it seems.
Wouldnt there be the thermonuke launcher RB-6000 then that might work. Easiest fix for that abomination would be 90% of the crew above water and the Nukelaunchers count as ammostorage. Thus hitting them would obliterate that pos in one go and make naval a little bit more balanced.
After recent updates skr loses at least 20% of crew when hit with destroyer salvo. Wobble your ship and destroy one component after another and you will get rid of it before it manages to get in rbu6000 range
So what to do about it if you’re not in a destroyer, and instead, any other nation’s coastal?
I will assume you are talking about coastals of the similar BR, 4.0-4.3 because if taken literally this question is plain stupid.
So, if you are frigate as well you can attack it and sink it with good chances of success.
If you are in douglas or freccia you might try to blow it up with missiles.
If you are in torpedo boat you launch torps and avoid it, it is not your job to engage it on equal terms.
The problem in trying to avoid it is that its mobility makes it nigh unavoidable.It even survives torpedos that given the explosive mass should split it in half. For reference the SKR-7 has 1100t of displacement, the Köln has 2900t. Same with the Pr-123 boats, while every other boat gets hullbroken by a caliber above 100mm, they dont even with direct hits.
I would like to think that by the time of the next major update there will be an adjustment to lower the HE damage, but if the HE damage is to be fixed at the current specs, the BR of the SKR-1/7 will need to be raised.
The current SKR-7 should not be allowed to match the BR 3.3 that beginners play with. I believe there is some incidence of people quitting to challenge the ocean after their initial destroyers are slaughtered by SKR-7.
I mean even if say, we did move it up to 4.7, German starter ships would still face it, and more to the point you’d only need a small amount of matches to get you a ship where you could face an SKR.
I had forgotten that there are countries with 3.7 starts. Well, if SKR-7 goes to 4.7, the probability of 3.7 matching SKR-7 will go down and the 3.3 will be peaceful, so it will be a meaningful change.
Survives meanining it sinks in about half a minute after a hit? Of course if the torpdeo hits ammunition it doesnt survive at all.
There are plenty of destroyers of similar speeds and great anti-boat armament around that BR.
Wrong again, it can survive being scratched just like every other steel boat atm. Well aimed shots kill it with no problem.
Well surely that’s true of every boat? The problem is more that an SKR can get 3 effective salvos off in the time it takes most boats to get 1 away and reload for anothern, needless to say that gives it a huge advantage at a BR where boat armour isn’t exactly present
I’d personally like it more at 5.0, that way starter DDs at least get a chance to grasp how to play naval before encountering the satan spawn that is the SKR-7. Besides, it’d face ships which it couldnt wipe in 2 salvos, which means that they might have to use some actual skill and knowledge rather than the “skill” that is how fast you can click left mouse right now
3 salvos of poor HE vs a large ship
Or 1 salvo of high pen, large filler SAP vs a fragile boat?
I would say 2nd will usually win and from I see playing 4.0-4.3 italy it absolutely does. If skr doesnt start first it pretty much cannot win since first salvo will likely destroy one turret.
Lol, lmao even. Before the nerfs and with broken dm it was a 4.7 ship but now can be 4.3 no problem. Anything 4.7+ just anihilates it in seconds.