Well I won’t be trying to put a blanket over your head but yeah their “coastal” TT is pretty mean around +3.3 from MTB’s to corvettes & some frigates be their armament or damage model or both.
The Project 204 corvette which I’ve played a bit of definitely should be a 4.0 (hell it’s the BR I run it at with the larger 4.0 corvette), I don’t get how it keeps missing the BR increases that other weaker or average ships receive (I was shocked when the Restigouche class destroyer escort went to 4.0 but not this corvette???).
It’s weakness is the gun firing arcs, weak torpedoes, limited RBU-6000 charges & of course it’s susceptible to hullbreak from the stem.
IMO it’s just what the small craft spawn needs to fight those poxy german Minensuchbootes as to the locker with them.
Project 206, There’s no denying it’s the best 4.3 MTB in game with those twin AK-230 mounts are evil in cqc & 53-56 torpedoes that can range pretty far out, Of course the ammunition is limited & there’s a Volksmarine one so if both a USSR & DDR one are present they can duel each other out.
IMO the closest counters would be P-494/P-493, any boat with a mle 48 model 40mm/70 cannon from Germany or if you get lucky with anything with a two 40 mm/60 mounts, Of course anything larger then 500 tonnes can knock them out quickly
Well the Project 35 is defo OP more OP then any ship with automatic artillery pieces as others are either WWII vintage or are pure HAA mounts with weaker antiship ammunition, Of course the WWII mounts get APHE shells which can pen a Project 35 or Project 159 quite well yet those have ridiculous ammunition costs north of 3000 sl since they’re fired in belts meanwhile one place where the AK-726 mounts are OP is their ammunition is free/ 1 sl so that’s an economical boon.
Yes the Project 35 gets RBU-6000 which are devastating to any ship out to 6km the closest counters is the Köln class Frigate with it’s m/50 bofors 375 mm rockets, & that frigates cannons can come close to beating the soviet escort ships cannons as well.
The thing is tough as from what I understand it has a better DM than most similar ships in that the crew is spread out, has a cheap repair compared to similar & weaker ships.
Some call for it’s BR to be increased similar to how the P-493/P-494 have been for years now, I would agree however I would say their repairs instead be increased to how much the Type 41 AA Frigate used to be / or the Project 1331M corvette was for a few weeks and or the ammunition costs increased to either 20 sl per shell or force it to have belts that cost over 5000 sl similar to those WWII cannons.
Counters imo, Anything that gets SAP or APHE can be devastating to internals, Their magazines are weaker to hit so if you can aim for them try to, Or use similar ASW rockets to sink them or an AShM from range.
Of course not everything is broken many are average, above average & below average many come with their cons are do their pros.
The Project 183 is pretty average as MTB’s go, The two 2M-3 mounts are helpful to that BR & the amount of BB-1 it gets makes many large ship players have PTSD if one is sighted as those things just sneak up on everything before dumping the DC’s alongside.
The Project 1241.2 corvettes are average due to their weakest DM yet large size, low ammunition pool for the AK-176M mount, the rockets/ torps are weak while only it’s AK-630 can be considered OP but this thing is stuck at 4.3 & is EoL or for 6000 GE.
Project 206M is above average it’s like the Project 204 with it’s AK-725 but like it has limited forward gunnery arcs, has a 5700 sl belt which sucks so that limits it a bit in economical gains but its other gun is just a 2M-3 mount which does suck against vessels & aircraft if you man it imo.
Project 50 escort ships probably the most below average SKR in game especially Yenot the thing could be 3.3 while Rosomacha a 3.7 as both being 4.0 sucks for how weak they’re, There are destroyers with similar loadouts that are cheaper then these & come with better ammunition, These ships should be sub 4k sl (yet that won’t happen since we go by bloody rank based economics now).
Project 1331M ASW Corvette, Honestly above average could be 4.3 but the limited ammunition & speed coupled with a destroyer spawn hold it down at 4.0, The things tanks a bit of damage due to how limited yet spread out the crew is, Pretty much opposite of the smaller Project 1241.2 ASW Corvettes.
Project 159 is like the Project 35 just iirc slower but also only has the shorter range RBU-2500 rocket mortars it’s above average which was a powerhouse prior to the other ship & imo had the Project 35 been TT this escort ship should’ve been the squidron ship, The thing carries the same weakness as the other.