USA tech tree NEEDS their current air defense systems in game

In 2007 raytheon introduce the development of the SL-AMRAAM-ER.
Also I am fairly certain it most often was sold and used C-7s.

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us has more mideum range air defenses and really short range defenses, but not a modern shorad. The hawk would struggle against modern cas which can easily out manuver the missiles, and a standard hawk launcher only carries 3 missiles at a time as well. NASAMS would easily outrange competitor shorad systems.

The US has NASAMs and two different M SHORAD vehicles, one being the only laser SHORAD in scale production. Saying they don’t have a modern system is entirety false.

And the Hawk and I-Hawk are not being outmaneuvered by “modern CAS” they went away because the Patriot is more capable, not because they weren’t plenty lethal. There’s a reason they’re still in service

Plus if you really want to go down that road, the Hawk system has been modified to fire Sparrow, AMRAAM, and Standard MR and AGM-78, so there are plenty of options….


export variant abrams? lol

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We can only dream but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was added as a way to balance top tier at the moment, SU-34 and F-15E spam is too oppressive at the moment.

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Sure, but War Thunder doesn’t care about effectiveness or PoK (very much) - I mean the R-27ER never would’ve dominated if they did care. My list was based off of range over anything else.


I getcha

M727 Hawk, for USA, Israel, Italy, Sweden
Is a medium altitude Sam


Not just the US, pretty much every nation that isn’t Russia needs more SPAA.