USA really NEEDS mid-tier SPAA

first time one the forums, first time posting and I know it was here multiple times for sure.

BUT US really needs new mid-tier SPAA. Tell me why Soviets get 7.3 Shilka (which is really overpowered) while US only has M42 at 4.0 and M163 at 7.7 (which - comparing it to Shilka - should be at most 7.3 Br)

There are options:
T100 Stinger

IMO this has to be an absolute priority. There is just no reason to why there should be this large gap in the tech tree, while other nations has multiple viable options for SPAAs.

To answer some of your possible answers right aways;
“Your air is your AA” - No. Spawning plane costs 500 SP, spawning SPAA costs 80 SP. Furthermore, for newer players its much easier to use SPAAs than planes.
“You have .50 cal” - No. .50cal is great, I use it, I kill planes with it, but what even is this argument? Soviets have DShK and still have good SPAAs. Also again, spawning tank just to get .50cal costs more SP than spawning SPAA.


The best way for this is to make it an official request to the devs ,maybe do some digging about how to do that.You will most likley find that all of those have already been suggested.
I know the T77 MGMC was already suggested so I am not sure how that went.

SPAA is a glaring gap for USA in mid tier ,maybe Gaijin think that SPAA is not needed due to such great CAS just like they really did in WW2 or what ever where they did have Air superiority.

So much needs to be done to this game as a priority yet they never do it.Its weird.
It really seems like its money over game play right now. Maybe Gaijin are going to quit WT or create a new one ,who knows?

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lol M163 has a tracking radar with a better gun.
Also, Shilka without radar is not mid-BR.
USA needs 5.7 filled, which would fill 6.7 until a 6.7 option is found, and there’s one suggestion I’m aware of; and Gaijin has solutions in development already.
USA doesn’t need more 7.7 SPAAs tho until 5.7 gets its SPAA.

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I noticed that many request SPAAs, however, many don’t use it for their role at all until it becomes a dedicated SAM system with no guns. I seen too many players ignoring the skies and shooting tanks with it in the mid tiers of 5.0 area…which is ok but like, those AP rounds are for self-defense, not to go offensive until deemed necessary. Really wish players actually tried to learn to use them sometimes if they are planning on driving it.


“But, but Gaijin, X nation has Y, so A nation deserves B!!!”


Gaijin is “working on” SPAA for the US. The M163 was added in 2016, so not sure why it takes nearly a decade to work on more mid tier US SPAA.


I think they could have the same SPAA with different ammo to cover different BRs so for example one DCA for France with AA ammo only at 4BR and another with AP at 5.
Same with M42 for Italy ,One with limited ammo and one with much more at differing BR s.
Take the AP from the duster and it could be at 3.3 or 3.7

It would fill gaps and stop tank kills raising SPAA BR to near uselessness for AA work.

Yes I know, I already checked and some vehicles were pushed to the Devs. I am just trying to raise an awareness a bit again, because you know, without it Gaijin just does what it wants :)

Please tell me you just didnt say M163 has better gun than Shilka. Shilka has much faster turret & gun handling and it has 4 good guns. M163 doesnt even has a stabilizer, so you have to be stationary to shoot. I would much rather use Shilka - even without radar - on 7.7 than M163 with its shitty tracking radar.

Yeah I agree, that will always happen. Still, if even 50% of players use it as SPAA, its a win :-)

If you dont like it when its put that way, let me rephrase that; “US doesn’t have any SPAA in the range of 3.3 BR, which is a problem”. Happy?

Hah yeah. TBH I kinda hope that they will make a dedicated SPAA patch, giving premium SPAA to every nation and filling all the SPAA gaps that need it xD


Totally agree.

SUB I-II (Japan) and ZSD(China) are beginner friendly and can even deal with tanks.

go hitting something with the 163… this is by far the worst 7.7 spaa while being the most promising on paper (6k rpm, tracking radar under 2.5km and inaccurate, very unreliable damage. The shilka w/out radar has 4 high rof guns, making it way more reliable to hit and damage targets. What USA needs is:


It takes so much time because they’re busy adding multiple mid-tier SPAA to countries added years after the US…

And now you know why it’s 7.7. All SPAA in War Thunder around BR 7.7 are an effective range of ~2.2km.
Which is about accurate since the best CAS has an effective range of ~2.2km, and it’s 8.3.

That suggestion wouldn’t fill 5.7 as that’s 4.3 material, a sidegrade to the M19.

if you can’t see its absolutely incompetent of gaijin to put in yet another Russian AA in a place where it wasn’t really needed, while other nations have SEVERE holes in their lineup, you are severely one eyed and not interested in a fair fight.

This reeks of bias.


I hope Gaijin has something in the works to fill the gap, I’m getting tired of half the team being in F4Us and P-51s only to get slammed within 30 seconds and the rest of the team is at the mercy of Gaijin and the hordes of Do-335s and Pe-8s

So USA getting multiple SPAA in future updates is bias how exactly?
There is no bias.

It’s already confirmed there are multiple anti-air assets in production [development] for War Thunder that will go into the United States tech tree.

Hopefully we get them within these next 2 updates then

There really wasn’t much to choose from IRL between the Duster and the M163. The gap isn’t artificial.

Gaijin COULD give the Duster HE proxy, since it could carry that.


how much you want to bet that Russia will get another spaa

Maybe they could reduce SP for CAS fighters where there is no SPAA, make balance in other ways and reflect historical reliance on air superiority.

Trouble is nations dont fight alone in this game.

If Gaijin can fabricate the Ostwind II, they can make up a Duster based SPAA to fill the gap. Also, there are a number of prototype SPAA models that would fill the gap. It’s just laziness on Gaijin’s part.