so currently my friend want to start play war thunder and he asked me what nation I would recommend him (yeah I recommened him usa or germany) and then he asked me which better usa or germany (he also mentiond he is going to play ground and air too)
Germany is easier to play
America teaches you how to cope with intentionally screwed over tanks with missing/broken features
Tell him Britain. It will teach him the ropes quickly. Plus it has the best top tier air.
I’d say either tbh… Both can be pretty damn easy and fun to play. CAS is lacking in Germany somewhat after 5.7/6.0
On ground THIS^^ is NOT a good idea. Brit tanks use AP shots that won’t kill with first shot. It is actually good to learn how to aim at modules and crew…but a VERY BAD IDEA for new players.
IN ground Germany is the best nation to start IMHO…lots of tanks with somewhat different specs BUT all have good guns with good ammo…and no “quirky” tanks that require specific handling…
German army strong, American air force strong
I mean so is Germany air and American ground… They just have different playstyles
Germany for sure, because the guns especially on the Pz. IV F2 and Pz. IV G can lolpen anything and make a really good lineup at 3.3 which is great for learning the ropes of the game. Not to mention you get the best ammo stock which alleviates the stock solid shot struggle on US tanks.
For air you have the He-100D1 which is basically untouchable in the BR because of its insane top speed, just dont dogfight everything and you should be okay. Fw-190A1 is an iconic fighter with great performance and the Stukas are really good for CAS with the accuracy of dive bombing.
It depends a lot on his primary interest: air or ground. Likewise, there is a big difference between low, medium and high tier.
In general, when it comes to grounds (low and medium tier), Germany is much more beginner-friendly, but experienced players will often prefer the US.
If they are going to play ground then Germany. It has a healthy and fairly lethal lineup at just about every BR with lots of different options (TD, light, medium, heavy tanks), and it also has more than enough good quality SPAA to cope with the air part of the game from the ground.
Combine that with decent fighters/attackers/bombers it’s a good place to learn the game without getting to frustrated.
AMERICA! It has alright allround stuff
My personal opinion is the German ground tree is good, air not so much overall.
Same can be said in reverse for the USA in my opinion.
Yes, just like I said above