First book.
What about the blatant disadvantage USN has in Coastal realistic? Console US Coastal players in their little wood boats are squeaky chew toys for PC Mouseketeers with an SKR-7 🫤
No it’s not thunderskill
USA has an anti ship multirole coastal boat tho.
In fact, I don’t know if you played costal in the beginning, but Germany had by far the most op ship.
It was actually removed from the game because it just didn’t take damage. And had 105mm cannons or something. I regret not getting it. Even the skrs will die to it with ease.
It is data from thunderskill.
Look at “Data” tab.
Most players are enrolled in it. Unless gaijin presents other data I will believe it.
Especially because I have a 0% win rate in my MiG-29
Dont think so, especially considering that it was kinda dead for quite long time
Hover over those boxes for a second and tell me what the values that pop up actually are, you may be surprised to find that they aren’t what you think they are.
I’ll help you this one time with just the US and Russia’s values just for 12.7-13.7.
Wow would you look at that, Russia actually has a superior WR by a whole 2 percentage points, 28.1 vs 30.1.
And once again, the 14.0-15.0 section does not contain actual values, they are dummy values and do not contain actual data, as previously shown with the graphs I posted. You can get the same graphs if you click on the boxes, said data will populate on the right if it exists. Unlike the lower BRs, 14.0-15.0 does not produce a graph when selected, only an empty table.
Nope thats not it, keep looking, I’ll give you a hint, its a video of a SU-33 not a Mig.
Nope you don’t get to move the goalposts,
I’m still surprised that you keep trying to pull the same stunt over and over again in multiple threads and still seem to forget that there is a search function.
Ah nonono, thats not what was stated as impossible, once again I will use this seemingly arcane art known as “Looking up the original argument that I was responding to” and post such here.
And yes, doing this prevents the target from getting a held RWR ping like a normal SARH missile guiding to it’s target, like the AIM-7.
Unless you are keen on trying to show me how a RWR can pick up a non-existent SARH guidance loop.
Wow Russia preforms a whole 2% better apparently. Magic, the rest of the whole damn tech tree is either red or black.
Care to explain how that’s fair in the slightest?
And I’ll have to remember this little trick and see if it works. As I have a Su-33, and Su-27sm to grind.
Dude that is not even remotely near the “96%” win rate you have been going on about, indecently the US and Russia happen to be right neck and neck in win rates, seems pretty fair to me.
But lets go through some more values down the way and compare since you still dont seem to grasp the situation.
Lets actually go even deeper though and look through the per aircraft WR for that BR and date.
Interesting, the two newest aircraft have the worst WR and the SMT is sitting at a 75% WR, with all the other aircraft sitting at a nice 0 WR.
Well thats strange, it seems like another older top tier aircraft is the only one with a registered WR, at 62%, and everything else is sitting at a 0% WR.
Odd, ok, lets go down to 11.0 to 12.0 maybe, something is different.
Hmm thats interesting, looks like the F-4S is actually the most dominant aircraft of this BR and not the A-10C, well, what about Russia.
Wait a second, how can Russia have an aircraft with a 100% win rate, and the SU-25T is only at a rounded 30% WR … Could it be that the other aircraft present, even if they have a tiny amount of battles, be skewing the calculation?
The US only has 6 aircraft at this bracket in the data set while Russia sports 12, with a majority of the aircraft present not having any wins but barely any battles played.
This is quite odd, its almost like having more aircraft in the bracket is dragging down the overall win rate just because they exist, even if they have very few battles played.
Also wait, the Mig-23ML at this bracket sports a rather incredible kill ratio compared to even the F-4S and A-10C, a whopping 11.75 average kills per battle and 1.75 per death, meanwhile the F-4S is managing 2.54 and 1.41 respectively, and the A-10C 4.41 and 1.06. Shouldn’t the Mig-23ML be wiping the floor with such a dominant A2A ability?
Well, it turns out that A2A fighting in Sim does not win the battle unlike RB, and lo and behold, the true reason for the US’s win rate at this BR emerges, the A-10C’s incredible 73.03 per battle ground frag and 15.51 per death ground frag.
Meanwhile, there is functionally no Russian aircraft getting any ground frags at this BR.
With only the SU-25T reaching a measly 3.56 per battle ground frags, and 0.47 per death frags.
If we go back up to top tier such also becomes apparent, with Germany’s Mig-29s sporting incredibly high total and per life air frags, but nearly no ground frags and the SU-34 even beating out the F-16C in air to air success but substantially worse A2G success.
Its almost like whomever plays the objectives in SIM, rather than engaging in dogfights wins matches and the nations with more, but seldom used aircraft, in a BR bracket inherently have worse win rates even if their most used aircraft have good win rates.
Sounds like gaijin should release the actual stats, because and I’ll say it again, it’s pretty rare to win a sim match against the USA, and I’m sure the French are helping against the USA’s win rate.
Also the super high win rate came from the last two months, up until roughly a week ago, when the eta seems to have changed
Why the MiG-29smt stat is high is more due to when it first came out. But nobody plays it. It’s almost as rare as seeming the E100 in grb.
I do find it funny, your own screenshots betray you. Clearly showing a far more positive trend for the USA team. And when you say USSR doesn’t play the objective, we try. Su-24m is really the best for that, but it’s a free kill, it’s next to impossible to know if your being engaged.
And of course the new planes will be meta for a bit. That’s how every plane is. But nothing was / is as broken as the F-15E, that’s a fact.
Thats not how this works, the data present is only for the time between 1/3/25 to 12/31/24, prior data is not involved.
To that same end the SMT has more matches played than the, SU-33, SU-27, Yak-141 and a myriad of other aircraft in other trees, that is anything but E-100 levels of rarity.
Do they now, because all that is present is the US being slightly worse at top tier in A2A engagements and quite a ways better in A2G and far worse in A2A engagements at 11.7 -12.X but critically dominant in A2G engagements. Seems about right.
That sounds like an opinion to me, I also regret to inform you that the current, highest per battle KDR is held by the Rafale, and the F-15E has only about 60% of it and its almost on par with the SU-34 currently.
Fun fact as well, the British Eurofighter, which is identical to the Germany Eurofighter currently has a 0% WR vs the German’s 100% WR and incredibly lower stats.
Just a tiny bit funny that, somehow, the same plane is doing incredibly well for one nation and not another, oh yeah the Eurofighter currently also has the same per match kill rate as the SU-34, give or take a few .XX of a kill.
That means Russen and USA are disbalanced just by 2% in toptier.
Seems pritty fair to me.
Looks like AIM-120 does not know about multipathing. I quess it can hit you even if you drive, not fly.
God damn, this game is so pro-western…
amraam has no unique behavior with this. Also you have to be ignorant to be saying this game is western centric
Multipath is unreliable and this is not an AIM-120 thing only.
Even older FOX 1 missiles can simply ignore multipath and hit you direclty or hit you with splash damage.
I checked replays. R-77 cannot do this.
No surprise there are so few USSR planes on top tier.
have you given them same conditions of impact(angle)?
pretty sure not.
I have to agree, many times I have been locked while refuleing on the airfield and got splashed by AIM120B specialy.
Well, it kinde is, the game dont let us work in teams much, in reality pilots know where thayer teammates are, for some reason you dont get to see temates on a map.
Also F16C is cappible of “strinking” that is when more planes are sharing data and can visual the situation thay are in, we dont get that in warthunder.
When you fly you usually fly pratikly alone, because If you dont have voice chat with the others you dont get them to help, because during fight you dont have third hand to write massiges.
And we all can agree, that when there is a duo flying, thay are almost undefetable, but thay arent flying together thanks to the warthunder but something other, like discord.