3:22 A;m STill dont know what that guy in the f-16 was doing
And whom im insult?
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False reporting or continuing your convo will get you both muted so i suggest you stop.
I’m surprised sartt wasn’t muted earlier, after the constant misinformation and insults.
eh that guy doesnt strike me to be a u.s main more lik a bot lol
Who’s stats?
There was some guy who was upset that I defeated his missiles by using chaff.
So… once again…
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Yay we’re back, please stay on topic and no SEKRET DOKUMENTS!
Because it’s all the F4S, F14s etc used to do. Now everyone does it as it’s easy free kills
they need to make it so base defenses have actual s.a.ms that fire at enemy missiles .
They’re just Roland’s.
I didn’t hide it so sadly I cannot tell you. It may be because the way the post devolved into something the original post wasn’t.