I was thinking, keep the AA the same , but swap out the Gepard/whatever gun AA is there with the M247 with proxy round.
The M247 itself is Deadly against people not paying attention at decent ranges . Imagine if they made it also target incoming munitions, like a makeshift CIWS.
I was going to say keep the F-16 at 13.7 but then I remembered it has a really good radar and tons of CMs.
The Su-27sm has a decent radar, but R-77 performance is still in the toilet. With less than half the cms of other nation. So 13.7 would be fine for it still.
If they fixed R-77s or gave Russia R-77-1s then it would be fine to be at 14.0
The R-77 as it does irl, have the performance of the amraam or slightly greater.
Also some of the Russian radars are still under preforming:
F-16 radar only has 85km of range, if they made it an APG-68v9 or 10 i would agree, but currently, if they did go to 14.3 the F-16C should stay at 13.7 since it only has 6 amraams
has 120CM, which is good amount, but not “tons” like you said
I suppose you may be semi correct. But top tier gameplay is all about ARH in BVR. This rendering SARH BVR useless.
Uh no. I can show you many videos where I have been hit by aim-120s while flying away (rear aspect), and chafing the whole time and notching. The Aim-120 locks its target and tracks it very well.
The only avoiding it is notching and chaffing. Which causes you to lose speed, and the F-15E will be on you in mere moments.