USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Russian ERA is also given insane KE modifiers when we know it doesn’t stop that from recent events.

I only mention that since it’s relevant to the discussion at hand.

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Yep, Someone did the math and the Challenger 2 TES’s ERA at the moment, wouldnt stop a conventional RPG or something. It was actually insane. I think it might have been buffed a little bit since then. But its a fraction of what it should be


The Namer can’t stop a Bazooka on the side, which I have a post about.

Also, the Challenger 2 isn’t that good in real life to be honest. The 70 RPG figure was likely a typo or intentional exaggeration from a single interview years back. The real figure was actually 7 impacts that took it out of action.

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Compared to Gaijins modeling. its way better. The number of bug reports for it is actually kinda insane. Even basic things like the Aluminium backplate on the ERA. Totally fake thing Gaijin made up. After they announced that in the Devblog for it. Multiple sources were found confirming steel backplate. But Gaijin jsut ignored them. Kinda like they did with the Stinger max G bug reports.

its killed any interest in ground for me that Gaijin is that blatant in ignoring bug reports to nerf nations

whether the number is 7 or 70. In game. It couldnt stop 1.

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That is most certainly true, but not by much. They’re just kind of mid in general. The armor is old, and their engines aren’t good enough to make up for it with mobility. They also don’t have any kind of blowout panel, so they pop just like Russian Tanks.

In WarThunder, Gaijin has admitted that they prefer to balance vehicle armor based on gameplay rather than realism, but this hasn’t been very consistent. Vehicles like the Merkava, Leclerc, Ariete, Abrams, Challenger, and so on have been suffering for many years now due to a lack of reasonable protection.

In my opinion, the worst example of this issue is the Merkava 4. The Merkava has been treated pretty awful by Gaijin. Its armor can’t stop 8.0 tanks frontally in many cases and I’ve personally had autocannons go through my UFP and turret cheeks. The armor has a worse modifier than Rubber.

The turret cheek’s thickness is around 400mm to 500mm effective or so in KE despite being 600mm flat. If it was normal RHA, it would stop more.

Some people argue that it’s to stop only CE, but it hardly even stops 9.3 missiles since the modifier is 1100mm of CE, when it needs at least 1200mm CE.

It’s well known that the vehicle should be 80 tons and have armor capable of stopping Kornets, but Gaijin won’t fix the armor since they refuse to accept any source that says the Merkava 4 isn’t 65 tons despite it being obviously wrong.

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Before gaijin add 2x R-73. I want gaijin rename Su-24M → Su-24M2, add 2x R-73 and increase BR to 11.7 or 12.0 (Air AB, Air RB & Air SB) for next major update

Battle rating 12.7 for Ground RB, my guess

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i would love for su24m to get r73 but we will see

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The game first and foremost has to be decompressed further to at least BR 15.0.

I agree, AIM-9M don’t belong here at 11.3, but the bracket 12.0-13.0 / 11.7-12.7 we have in SB would make this plane DOA. Have you tried the Mig 29 recently? I tried to spade the Iranian F-14 and struggled hard against team full of Mig 29. I was first on my team but it still felt like an uphill battle, barely positive K/D. So then I went and tried the Mig 29 myself and I had a +30kill game with 3 deaths with it against F-16 / F-15 and F-14. Felt more like shooting fish in a barrel. But the Mig 29 can’t go up because it would find itself in this exact position against AMRAAMS.

Then there is the AV-8 with AMRAAM at 13.0 and J-8F with AMRAAM at 13.0.

Now imagine the A-10 going against these planes. It’s neigh impossible to get anything done before being intercepted with the A-10’s we already have in the game (thank you, killfeed!!!).

I would much rather they added the A-10C without AIM-9M to be honest.

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The only Tornado that have this ability in game is British F.3 (late)

I guess 0% win rate at Soviet/Chinese side in 10.3-11.3 bracket. Like just top tier already.

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yes,kh31,kh58u,kh59 all have long range,If paired with a good sighting system and anti-radiation missile working mechanism, they will perform very well in Ground RB

And while USSR has this everyone else has a feature USSR gets constantly denied (with only exception being Su-25SM3) having thermal pods that could have been in game for long time.


Simply, they could add ‘Khod’ pod to Su-25T and Su-25TM and not add Su-25SM3 or (I’m not sure about this) add pod french with thermals to Su-27SM. Both were denied AFAIK

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There’s also thermal pod that goes for MiG 29SMT, as well if I am remembering this right LIGHTING 2.


Yes, this would solve their problems. I don’t see reason not adding them. Maybe will be a bit weird example, but T-80BVM have French thermals, why then Su-27SM don’t have thermal pod from the same country?

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Not in game, tho T-72B3/T-90A/T-90M do have french thermals.
T-80BVM uses domestic 3rd gen in game.

Mixed them up, but that is what I wanted to say.

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Based on what I have seen the Su-24 has FnF missiles that can track from 15km away on the team that doesnt have to deal with the Pantsir.

I havent played or seen an A-10C (late) yet. I’m sure in the right hands it’s a menace

I think that best part about Pantsir is that no airplane RWR can pick up Pantsir missile launch, forcing blue force to constant BVR defensive maneuvers.

Considering that Gaijin gave VSO-10 capability to pick PD, which it as I understand could not IRL, it is quite biased.


deal with it