USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Remind me which Harrier was sat at 11.7 with only Aim-9Ls for 9 months vs F-16s and Mig-29s and then when it got Aim-9Ms it screwed it massively in sim and rendered it basically unplayable and now has a BR of 12.7 in Sim?

Meanwhile the Su-25s are still all at 11.7 with R-73s and equal defensive suites to the Harrier Gr7. Especially after the BOL pods were nerfed into oblivion with totally fake nerfs.

So Su-25s to 12.7 in Sim?

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None. Harrier GR7 got 9Ms after/same time Su-25T was added to the game.

I just did a match in my Phantom FG1 and fragged 2 A-10Cs without trouble.
And no, that’s not how AAMs work.
You want R-73s, go play the Mig-29SMT or Su-25T.

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This sounds like a lot of “I’ve been killed by this, I hate it”

But lol did you actually say chaff doesn’t work on radar guided aams?

No, they actually threatened gaijin employees with hacking and lighting houses on fire if I remember correctly. Similarly with what happened with the whole “F-18A” controversy.

Yes that abrams bug has been around for years. The relevance that I took a vid of it today, has nothing to do with it.
“My single experience” nope, happens rather often. Was pretty baffled shooting the LfP on the 10.3 abrams lower with the obj 292 didnt spall at all.

Your right, the Pansir is great… if they go in a straight line, the targeting speed leaves much to be desired. The 2S6 actually has a higher targeting speed.

I’ve only told you facts. The Su-25SM3 does not have a single ground based AA to challenge it. The only good Anti-Air in the game is the Pantsir, which happens to also be Russian. That’s not personal opinion, it’s actually fact. Most AA have a limit between 8 to 12KM of range. The Pantsir has 18KM while having more missiles and guns than everything else. It’s the best AA in the game by far.

No, it really doesn’t. Sure, it might work on earlier missiles, but any competent Radar guided missile at 11.3 won’t miss an A-10C flying in a straight line. If the A-10C is dodging, it will evade the missile just like any other jet. That’s not overpowered, it’s called notching lmao.

Gonna need a source on that. Also, making a generalized statement about all US mains like that isn’t just deceptive, it’s kind of disgusting.

It’s not an Abrams bug lol. It happens to literally every vehicle in the game. I’ve had Leopards, T-80, T-72, and even Bulldogs do it. It’s not the Abrams, it’s the game being wack.

That’s laughable seeing as the 2S6 is better than even the ADATS in many situations, which is found an entire BR lower. They were the same BR at one point for a reason, but gaijin thinks the 2S6 is equal to a Roland, which is absurd.

If you genuinely believe the Pantsir isn’t the best AA in the game, I have no words for you. You’re clearly beyond reason.


The harrier can out maneuver an Su-25… I cannot say I see a single valid point here.

It was the Harrier GR7, the only reason I know, is because I was spading the Mig-23M, and brought my MLD, and 11.7 top in sim, I saw and was defeated by the harrier gr7 time and time again using aim-9m.

Chaff is a radar countermeasure that works by creating a cloud of thin strips of metal, plastic, or glass fiber that are released from a plane or ship to confuse enemy radar.

Chaff definitely works.

So an aircraft that is notably slower than you and doesnt have a radar, managed to get mutliple rear-aspect shots with Aim-9M and now you consider Aim-9M an OP Missile?

By the sounds of it, you would have died even if the Harrier Gr7 has nothing but Aim-9Bs. Heck Ive beaten enough soviet pilots in the Sea Harrier FA2 or Harrier Gr7 using guns to know that the average Soviet pilot has no idea how to fight a Harrier.

If you are trying to dogfight a harrier in a low and slow combat, you will loose. Even a Harrier Gr1 will beat a Mig-23ML in that regime (I know, I use to do it all the time before we got the new sim brackets)

If you are trying to turn fight something like the A-10C or Harrier Gr7 in aircraft not suited for low and slow combat like a Mig-23 or Su-24. Then I think you need to change tactics and not beg for major buffs for aircraft that are perfectly fine at their current BR

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My mig-23MLD R-24R: misses a-10 that chaffed huh… kinda odd.

For the no spall, the only other time I’ve ever seen something similar, was some little 10mm plate on the side of the abrams that ate whole rounds, or the German external fuel tanks that are whole rounds.

Yes the pansir has the most range, as did the German top tier aa for quite some time, what 2-3 years if I remember right? And before that, it was the Adats, which comes stock with aams that can pen 800mm and kill tanks.

Let’s not forget if a ground threat approached the pansir, it literally cannot defend itself.

Sigh… you’re delusional.

I was hit from the front, since he was flying rather low. The harrier can certainly out-turn a Mig if it’s a decent pilot.

Why don’t you get back to the topic, instead of insulting yourself further but idiotic thoughts on how I fly.

To say it as plainly as I can for you, he was not behind me, and I was flaring, with my after burner off :) simple enough for you right?

Im fairly certain I’ve been killed, through the front plate, in a Challenger 2 by a Pantsirs gun or missile spam before. To say its “defenceless” is an exergation and its no more or less vulnerable than any other SPAA at the moment in game.

Yes the ADATS can in theory take out tanks, But my experience is that the AGMs suck, especially with how common ERA and APS is becoming. I have more success with the Starstreaks than the ADATS for killing tanks

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Okay, Su-24M is perfectly balanced at 11.3 and needs no buffs or changes at all.

A-10C might move, it might not. But its placement is totally irrelevant to the Su-24M

If you think the SU-24M needs buffs because the A-10C is at the same BR. Then you are delusional

If an Adats can in theory, than a pansir can’t at all.

If you died to a pansir in a chally, either your making this up, or you had to have let him kill you.

-1 gun depression, does not work well at all.

Get back on topic.

Su-24m needs to get its R-73s, and A-10C should be 12.0

Using a single experience as the whole experience is a logical fallacy.

Either you’ve been lucky or you’re just blocking out other experiences.

And the Rolands have been nerfed to oblivion, the ADATS costs an excessive amount to spawn, Israel’s stuck with a Chaparral, and there’s been no attempt to give nations an equal vehicle to the Pantsir.

The ADATS hardly can since it doesn’t have tandem missiles and dies to being hit pretty much anywhere. The Roland doesn’t even have a gun to defend itself at all, and the Chapparal can’t even fire missiles without looking at an Air target directly.

The Pantsir is unmatched, has 4 guns, and 12 missiles second only to the FlaRakRad’s best missile at the ready when stock. The FlaRakRad has to research its only usable missile. It’s clear to me that you’ve not experienced the agony of other nations. I’ve achieved 4 separate nations at top tier and can say from my experience that the Pantsir is the only good one.

And even that’s a stretch. The Pantsir is still bad compared to where Aircraft are right now. The Su-25SM3 still has more than double the range of a Pantsir and that’s absurd.


if Su-24M gets R-73s then Tornado IDS at 11.3 and maybe even the F-111s at 11.7 need to get Aim-9M/Aim-9Li and remain at the exact same BR they are currently.


if A-10C moves to 12.0 then all Su-25s need to move to 12.0.


So in your world, NATO vehicles “must be superior”

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You are the one arguing for Su-24M at 11.3 with 2x R-73.

Im just stating that if the Su-24M at 11.3 get R-73s then the Tornado. its direct equal. Should also get the equivalent IRCCM missile. Such Aim-9Li.

You are the one arguing that soviets should be superior because “reasons”

Besides. We already have plenty of soviet BIAS in game. like the fact the Mig-23ML is 11.3 but the German Mig-23MLA which is identical is at 11.7.

Its pretty clear soviet kit always gets favoured by Gaijin and is way stronger than it should be


They are. It’s hardcoded into the game for ammunition to not explode occasionally due to NATO having blowout panels lol

The 2A7 is still stuck on DM53 when it should be using DM73 of DM83. The M1A2 SEPv2 is from the 90s while the Russian tanks are from 2018 and 2019. NATO armor is also extremely underperforming in many aspects.

Israel is stuck with their MBT being the wrong weight and having its armor unable to stop even 8.0 shells frontally all to help Russian mains compete.


Wasnt a thing found that showed Soviet tanks had a lower ammo det chance compared to every other nation. or something?


They also (along with China) have a lower spall modifier.

Granted, Spall Liners have pretty much made that moot.


Yep. They also model soviet armour using NATO stats or something so it over performs like mad. But then model all shells based upon arbitary calclator numbers which result in all NATO shells having way less pen than IRL data shows. Not too mention they dont model things like ERA perforation