USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

27K did not have T-Pod lock with gun lead then and still doesn’t.
Su-25T was Soviet’s first, after France, Germany, USA, etc.

“Has potential” is it as potential as an Aim-9m? And the gimbal is only up and down last I saw.

Also, no, the F-16A also came out with the Mig-29, (update Apex predators), another update where the USA tree got the most aircraft. so no, it wasn’t the “Russian bias” that got you, because in that same update, r-60Ms got nerfed very badly, making them eat flares instead of an after burning engine at 1200 degrees

R-60M fired from a supersonic platform is WAY more powerful than an Aim-9M fired from an especially slow Sub-sonic aircraft like the A-10. Not just in range, but positioning.

Also. I dont know why you are obsessed with loadouts. You wont be winning any dogfights in the Su-24M even if you had R-74Ms.

So did Aim-9Ls. They went from ignoring flares like they should IRL. To going for a flare no matter what.

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  1. Uh no. In game you can sit at 5k meters, and an a10c (now with aim-9m) can pull up from his 800 meter position, fire 1 aim-9m, and go back to whatever he was doing. I’ve seen this happen with the F-16c, different aircraft, same maneuver/ missile.

  2. Nobody in their right mind would. It’s more boom and zoom like an F-4s

  3. Did they now? Because Aim-9Ls still out preform R-60s greatly in flare resistance, and no, please show me any information where your claim of “They went from ignoring flares like they should IRL”, because that is fabricated.

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Hate to disagree, but from dev server, it was entirely competent. Far more competent than any R60 I’ve used in recent memory. Regardless, the focus on it being subsonic platform ignores the fact they are still 9Ms, and should serve the purpose of defense rather than offense as you seem particularly inclined towards focusing on. They are exceptional defensive tools. Still decent threat range, and good enough to engage things with their irritating flare rejection functioning if you fly appropriately.

This is only a slight exaggeration. They were quite good at rejecting flares IRL, and at present due to how Gaijin seem intent on modeling tracking, they are quite abysmal.

Couldn’t be any worse than any Russian missile. I think my hit ratio with r60s are 1:3 in ideal conditions. Meanwhile, flared, and even sometimes pre-flared 9Ls get me with 30% throttle.

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1:5 is closer to the 9L, with their current state. Although there is always the exception it just won’t let you go, which seems to happen primarily with harriers.

A-10C is dead on arrival.
It’s almost the same as A-10A.

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Your unlucky then, my aim-9L hit rate is usually 1:2, say 70% of the time, the other 30% is 1:1

balance cold war???

Aim-9M fired from a supersonic platform like Gripen. Will barely hit a target at 7km unless its headon.

If the Aim-9M is in ANY aspect other than direct rear. drop 1 flare. to defeat it. If its rear aspect. Drop a handful of flares then jink. Very few aircraft should have any issue dealing with Aim-9M. Only thing is you may not see one fired at you. However, if you are attacking an A-10 and see one point towards you. Pre-flare. Easy defeat.

Even then. Why are you trying to engage in A2A combat with an Su-24? Thats what the mig-23ML/Mig-23MLD is for. Fly low, fly fast and drop bombs on PvE targets. If you are engaging the enemy at all, except within self defence or target of oppotunity situations. Then you are playing the Su-24 wrong.

Yep, they can be 1 tapped flared from basically any aspect, by basically anything

RAF docs. Aim-9L fired in rear-aspect vs a afterburning target will ignore large calibre flares. In other aspects, dropping flares may not defeat an Aim-9L outright.


It’s been 1 day since the update. That’ll change in a few days. It’ll be all over.

I dont think Aim-9M will be all that potent as an IRCCM missile on the A-10C. I think elements like the HMD IFF, Smokeless motor and MAWS will be what make the A-10C potent.

An A-10C will be able to defend themselves, sure, but if engaged in a smart manner. Then the A-10C will also be very vulnerable. Its a balanacng act. However. the claim “A-10C with 4x Aim-9M is 11.3 therefore the Su-24M should get major buffs” just doesnt work in my opinion.

Su-24 is a far higher threat in my opinion to something like a Sea Harrier or AV-8B(NA) etc etc because its supersonic.

Now whether or not the A-10C should mvoe up or not is literally another a thread. But I think comparing the SU-24s performance vs the Tornado IDS is a far more sane thing to do

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Su-24, Tornado, and especially F-111C/F are the big threats.
But, Su-24 is the slowest among them, and as-well armed as Tornado.
F-111s are the only ones with 3 base loadouts for bombs.
Napalm changes occurred and I can’t address that at this time.

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As much as I don’t want to be that person, if the 10 can have Ms as the defensive option which can be used with the relatively competent agility of the platform quite well, then it serves that 24 could do with better defensive options as even 73s would be difficult to implement with the platform (unless HMD). The presence of a marginal threat over a nonexistent one is a lot better at keeping people away from the ground attacker.

I think I outlined the logic behind it above, whether or not it convinces you. The speed of su 24 is all well and good, except it doesn’t have the agility to implement r73 shots as effectively as the 10 can utilise 9Ms. Personally, Su 24 should be changed to the later standard and sent up, alongside the A10. If the dev server is anything to go by, one of these paltforms is significantly easier to fly defensively.

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Hmm weird, because I have videos of me flying a Su27 and other aircraft, pre-flaring an f-16c, continuing to flare, and banking, and still getting hit with aim-9m.

I’ll tell you what, once I get my F-16c, you get in any Russian aircraft, tell me how easy it is to dodge my aim-9m.

Trying to quote my play style only looks bad on you. I never said once I would be engaging A2A willfully. But if I MUST, then I should have a better chance than an r-60 that’ll just miss.

That’s great. But I was flaring, pre flaring even, with no after burners.
Also, the RAF such as other government agencies of the UK have been known to twist the truth, remember that chally that got hit over “800 times” (mostly all light arms, at least 2 were HE rpgs tho)

Again. Su-24M with 4x R-60M vs Tornado WTD61/A200/MFG with 2x Aim-9L at 11.3 I think is equal.

and I dont think the fact the Tornados have Aim-9L at 11.3 is justification for Su-24M to get R-73s.

Max bomb is rarely the best strategy interdictors. I rarely run more than 8 bombs on the Tornado, and quite often only 5. That way I can run fuel tanks. F-111 I have no idea about yet. But I wouldnt be surprised if I rarely run 3x Base kill amount of bombs.

Also I could be wrong, but the F-111C only looks like it has the bomb capacity for about 1.2 base kills I think. 4x 2k bombs I think its 3 per base. Smaller bombs, I think its 10-12 per base. So that is maybe 2 with them

As far as I know, no one in this topic has demanded R-73s for Su-24.
All I’ve done is mock them for wanting a 12.7+ Su-24 in other topics, though it wouldn’t surprise me if I did it here as well.

Our conversation about targeting pods as well as how busy today was could’ve had me forget some details.

750 pound bombs, 7 of them per base, and you get 24 of them while going mach 1.10 minimum.
Oh, they didn’t add the 750s to the C. Sad. C only gets 2 bases.

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The difference in speed cannot be ignored. Otherwise lets just add IRCCM to everything at that BR. Like the Sea Harrier, Tornado (F3 as well), etc etc.

I do see the A-10C going to 11.7. But Unless the A-10 is suddenly made supersonic, then its loadout is irrelevant when compared to the Su-24. Tornado IDS is the best fit for that and 4x R-60M is about equal to 2x Aim-9L in my opinion.

This is not how the 9M works. I do agree that the 9M is easy to defeat if you know its in the air but you cannot 1 flare a 9M, maybe front aspect because that split second seeker shutoff can make it so that it pulls too late because of the fast closure rate.

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