USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Oh, there is. Didn’t argue that. But the Russians suffer the least from Gaijin’s overwhelming insistence to make the yanks happier. They do get screwed, but other folk get screwed a lot harder.

Ground radar is not unique to Soviets.
USA, Britain, Germany, China, Israel, Japan, anything else I’m missing all have ground radars.
Gimbling gunpods is a gimmick for War Thunder as there’s no infantry to shoot at.

Id consider US and USSR about equal on the hand holding. Yes F-15C is way better than the Su-27SM at the moment, but the Mig-29 was way better than the F-16 and launch and Mig-23MLD dominated for ages. Its the other 8 nations that suffer


No British aircraft has ground radar… Period…

Cant comment on everyone first hand. But as far as I am aware, none do.

It can lock onto planes and unlike radar lock for the Tornados radar gunsight for example. Would give no RWR warnings. If you came up behind something like an A-10, it would have no idea you were even there and then its point and shoot

Hence “they suffer the least”. They’re treated pretty well all things considered, but a lot of the FMs are pretty odd compared to available information, and usually after the yanks sooked. Especially recently. But definitely not enough to sook about compared to everyone else.

Also there is Ground tracking on the British mig 21, just for record.

Wait tornadoes got aim-9M now? I’m never playing Sim again…

I forgot about the Bigmac. But I actively pretend it doesnt exist.

Especially when you consider aircraft like the Tornados and Gripen are missing their ground search radars

Sad Sweden player noises.

They didn’t even give us the glide bombs that would have resolved the limited strikes Gripen can conduct per sortie in game at the moment.

No, they don’t. But they should have, and the su24m2 should have come at 11.7 alongside that change.

No they dont, but they should.

There are 2 set of Tornado IDS those at 11.3 and those at 11.7. The only idfference. Some have a tpod and GBUs the others dont.

Thats it. No other differences. The 11.7 Tornado IDS (A200A, Gr1 and ASSTA1) should probably get something that justifys them being 11.7 and not 11.3

(The Tornado F3 AOP at 13.3 does have Aim-9M)

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AH Mk1 Apache.
Either use this as a lesson for the future not to make broad statements, or something else.
Just don’t extend the goalposts just cause your previous posts may not have portrayed your

This is no where close to a new feature. Tornado IDS can do this:

NATO aircraft had this since at least 2022.

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That is a helicoper… not a plane…

Do I need to explain the difference between a plane and a helicopter. Especially within the context of an air sim thread?


With a bad pilot, they do both go spinny though.

Ground radar is useless in air sim in general but I never mentioned that, and you didn’t either cause I thought it would’ve been obvious to you as it was me.

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Please read the full sentence. Locking onto an aircraft in the Torando to give radar gunsight corrections pings the targets RWR. They will be alerted to your presence.

Locking the Tpod onto a target does not alert them and only alerts LWS if they have it (which is rare) and only if the laser is active.

You could come up behind an aircraft in the Su-24. Lock the Tpod onto target and then fire the gimballed gunpod and destroy them without ever alerting them to your presence.

Doesnt matter. Many aircraft should have ground radar. It being denied to them for "reasons " is just BS.

Irrcm missiles below 11.7 is a travesty. In strike aircraft that’s not too bad. But the a-10C has 4 aim-9m vs say a Su-39 with 2 r-73 and in the r-73 is a dogfight missile not a “I’ll hit you without knowing missile”

I hold the position the A10 should be 12.0 if we’re comparing it to a harrier. Thing gets Ms with minimal sacrifice of ordnance, compared to a gr7 that gets only some Ms if it doesn’t want to sacrifice a2g ordnance.

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Look at the screenshot, that’s a targeting pod lock… unless you mistook a Tornado for an Su-24…
Thanks for proving my post correct.

Tornado IDS is December 20th 2022 BTW.

I did not know that Tpod lock provided the same functionality of a radar lock. Though Id ocnsider that a bug actually.

I have NEVER used a tpod on the Tornado Gr1 in Sim because its a useless tool. it does not work on all aircraft only aircraft with a radar gunsight. Harrier Gr7 it does not work

Congratulations. The Mig-27K was added in December 2021 and is probably the closest equal we had to the Tornado until the F-111A or Su-24M were added. and the Mig-29 was added in the same update as the Tornado IDS (and back then The tornado IDS had to exclusively fight the Mig-29 and only had 56 CMs, a bad RWR and an even worse FM than the placeholder FM we only just replaced.)

The point still stands though. Su-24M is perfectly placed at 11.3. The Gimballed gunpod has the potential to be very effective against aircraft as its basically built in aimbot

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