USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Fair. Personally, I’m a terrible pilot, so all I’ve ever known is premium struggle bus. I could do halfway decent with the F5 frame and I learned some basics in the F4S, but even taking the original AIM-7s and AIM-9Ds in the F-14 Early have shown me how damn difficult it is to get kills.

Thank God for F-86 Sabres, I can just go back to dogfighting with guns in jets anytime.

That is the nice thing about sim, those aircraft are a lot more fun with the choice of uptier and downtier. Been enjoying the Hunter F1 and Javelin of late.

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Don’t be ridiculous…
This is not RB… SIM is quite a bit different.

If it were to go only to 11.7, then other planes in other countries will need to be buffed to compensate. Or, it would get x2 or less Aim-9m

And I mean tons of planes would need buffs. That’s why it’s easier to just make it a 12.0

Very incorrect. The Smokeless motor, regardless or range is OP. You can be engaging a A-10C with a say a Mig-23M, same br. You have a whole 12 count measures in the mig-23, would you use them unknowing if the A-10C fired or not? Because you dump those, and he will fire. Then you’re gone.

The seeker head of the Aim-9m not only turns the head off when it flares, but keeps following the trajectory of the plane, (at this point if you keep dumping flares, and bank super hard it may miss), however, it keeps updating the path between each flare, so you really cannot get away from them unless your lucky and use every single flare.

Harrier without aim-9m getting dropped over 1.0 Br would be mentally insane. Best it should get would be 12.0 as well

It was 11.0 with Aim-9Ls for an entire year in Sim. It got Aim-9Ms and moved up to 11.7 and then in the decompress its now 12.7 and since then the BOL have been nerfed by about 75% the effectiveness they were.

I would at MOST place a Harrier Gr7 with 4x Aim-9Ls at 11.7, but 11.3 would not be unreasonable considering hte fact it has no radar at all.

Mostly true but you forgot to mention that the 9M has IOG meaning even if the 9M’s seeker is off it will try to predict your flight path so that when it opens it seeker again, it’ll have you on target. The best way to dodge a 9M is periodically flare and change direction.

For example if you are side aspect, change direction vertically so that IOG doesn’t smack you.


Forgot that bit.

As long as you keep flaring and keep the 9M’s seeker turned off you can dodge them easily. You don’t need luck.

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Are we still talking about sim? You can fire at the A-10 and bug out. He won’t catch you. Don’t turn fight an A-10.

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Not if you fire a SARH

Then you are playing that aircraft wrong. You are what, 3x faster than the A-10C. Why are you giving it such easy shot oppotunities to begin with. The A-10C will in all likelyhood be operating around the battlefields and at low alt. Stay high and fast around these areas and you will be safe. If you see a distracted A-10C. dive in fast gun the guy and then withdraw, dont turn fight them.

And before you say “a fighter should always be able to fight a ground attack aircraft” or something like that. Sea Harrier FRS1e and Su-17M2 are the same BR. There is very little I can do vs the Su-17M2 because it just leaves me behind with ease… I have to try and intercept it which is hard to do. Does that mean the Su-17M2 should be 11.3? or same for the Sea Harrier FRS1 vs Su-24M. Same BR, but the Su-24M is much faster and probably better equipped. Does that mean the Su-24M needs to go higher BR as well?

R-24Rs have an effective range of about 8-10km. So you’ll have to let me know what it is for R-23R on the mig-23M but I cant imagine its that far off.

Aim-9M has front aspect lock range of 3km vs an AB target. Its lower if you drop out of re-heat. So you massively outstick an A-10C in front aspect, just fly smart. Though again. Why are you attacking an A-10C from the front?

Whenever I encounter an aircraft like the Su-25 in something that stands less of a chance in beating it openly. Especially in front aspect. (like Sea Harrier FRS1 vs Su-39) Id attack from behind with guns.

What can the Su-24M or the Mig-23M do to an A-10C? Gun run it? Sure to an oblivious one. I just finished a Sim match, the A10 C was preforming quite well against the Mig-23ML which seemed to be my teams vehicle choice. (Since MiG-23ML is top)

I died 3 times, twice to an A-10C, once to a Mirage F1C because I forgot to take off Auto level, in my su-39 I scored 7 kills. 3 were gun runs, 2 were aams, one R60M, and one R-73 (since everyone preflares a SU-39 cuz nato planes have so many cms). The last kill was from a Vikhir, it was the only one that didn’t over G while I turned on an F5 that over g’d and blacked out.
Most surprisingly, the F5E fired a Aim-9E at me frontally, thankfully it over g’d otherwise I’d be dead. Kinda odd how a rear aspect aam almost got me :)
(Granted I was at 104% throttle, but he was over 1 mile)

So frontal attack is off the board, can’t rear attack, because of you miss with guns you’ll overshoot and he’ll fire an aim-9m, can’t fire an Aam, his 480x countermeasures will cause it to miss.

It’s way easier to gun run the Su-39 vs the Su-25 because the Su-39 cockpit is very crowded.

R-23R is 12.43 miles, but the radar of the Mig-23M leaves much to be desired.

Define “easily” because my Mig-29Smt stat begs to differ.

Get MAW first, is amazing, totally OP !!!

I got it after 9M, I regret now !!!

Best practice would be to turn off your radar so he isnt getting your pings, use your Mk 1 eyeballs to spot the very distinguishable silhouette, and launch an IR missile at him while he’s going after ground targets. This is how you probably should be playing anyway- it works well for me. Alternatively, just turn your radar on when you get close and try to get a radar missile on him. Always run if you miss…

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Hmm. It’s really really weird, because that’s exactly what I did.

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