USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

The Su-25 can quite easily hit 1050km/h in a straight line… The A-10 struggles with 650-700.

That’s a large difference. That’s the difference between a MiG-17 and P-51H.

So can the J39

Don’t think that can detect the lock, only search radar
So you might see one is on the battlefield but not if one is locked on and firing at you like thr Su25SM3 can thwt is the only rwr outside of helis thst can detect a lock

Can the SM3 detect the tracking radar?

Can’t say with any certainty but I don’t recall experiencing it doing that, though RU vs RU games are few and far between

Yea so I take it to sim and do quite well. It’s not a fighter so I don’t fly it like one.
The A10C in sim though, people just flare the moment they see it. It’s not actually been quite as bad as you’d think with smokeless missiles and no missile warning system. But if you aren’t watching them like a hawk it’s pretty bad 🤣


This definitely isn’t surprising. But I’d argue that it has more to do with how certain nations play the objectives. As a Russia main most of us are playing to kill player aircraft and most usa teams are playing the ground objectives.
Once you hit that 13.0 mark however I agree that it certainly demonstrates the USAs superior technology in air vs air BVR combat. Whenever I fly my SM it’s a minor miracle to make it off the airfield at times.

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NGL this is an indicator of your problem. The r24r being used against a10s is a bad choice all around. Even with TWS mode firing radar missiles at low alt at these BRs is pretty hit or miss if they aren’t head on. The R24T with the IRST mode is the play against a10 players. Just position yourself so they don’t see your aircraft and then lock and launch when you’ve got a good angle on them. I’d guess I land 4/5 of them, sometimes they manage to flare it out, but even then sometimes I score a hit.

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Oh-58D, yes a typo. It may only have X amount of missiles, but given its range, it can camp above the nearest heli pad to the battle, fire all ATGMs, then land a re-arm rinse and repeat. Just as the Tiger UHT at top tier does.

That was my point. Countpart aircraft aren’t preforming as well as Moravn thinks.

Mig-23MLD (11.7) vs A-10C (11.3) = A-10 being more dominant than the higher tier aircraft.

Su-39 (11.7) vs F-4S (12.0) = F-4S has a fairly decent radar and long range stand off capabilities outside of the Su-39 range. Which means the F-4S takes the cake.

This only expands the fact that the A-10C is OP, not to mention, this 11.3 can see 10.3 aircraft… like is there really an argument against the A-10C going to 12.0? The Su-25SM3 is just a faster and less armed A-10C at this point, but it’s a whole bracket above it? How does this make any sense?

I think the superior multi-role capabilities of the US aircraft make them win often, especially with the F-111 spam.

Usually I’ll fly with a full kit in my F-4S, bomb, shoot down a couple targets, and make it back to the run way with 1:00 min fuel lol.

I can usually disengage if I see a fight I don’t like, and worst case scenario I may get 2v1’d in a USA plane. Typically this isn’t the case though.

I am reasonably certain it can. At least, that is what I have heard. The joke that the only aircraft that can detect a Pantsir fully is an aircraft that rarely has to fear it.

i agree with this.

I dont agree with this, i dont have problems against the a10c in my mig23mld or ml. They usually dont even see me and are a free kill.
I would say the a10c is more like the su-39, and about as lethal if marginally more so, than the su39, so i wouldnt bat an eye if i saw the a10-c move to 11.7. But certainly not 12.0, as that puts it into the limbo fake “12.0” br in sim that is actually just 13.0 most days.
I think there is validity to both sides of this argument and a happy middle ground could be met.


there is no place for a su-24 there, with an R-60m. Don’t be a drug addict


yes, only this plane plays constantly at the bottom of the list. and can not fly to the battlefield. on 12.0 it has absolutely nothing to do in air battles, the same thing in tank realistic battles

Then dont play it in 12.0 brackets. wait for an 11.3 bracket

I’m close to discover if that’s true …


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They have the exact same performance of the Aim-9Ls (they dont even have the correct lock range and are C&P of the Aim-9L lock ranges)

Only differences are:

  • Smokeless motor - which is an advantage for longer range shots or when attacking someone unaware. Which is a notable strength in Sim

  • the IRCCM seeker head - Which on the Aim-9M, shuts the seeker off when it sees a flare. So to defeat them, you have to flare and then jink so that when the seeker re-enables, you are out of the FoV. (Unless you are in an F-5, then it will just go for the flare no matter what you do)

This seeker method though does also mean that you cant actually fire an Aim-9M at all, it physically wont lock onto anything, if the target is pre-flaring or if the sun is behind hte target. A tad annoying at times actually.

Aim-9Ms are not better or worse than R-73s or Magic IIs. Just different. It really comes down to how you use them / playstyle.

I’m also working on mine.

America already rules top tier and everything down to 12.7.

Hopefully we can make another BR unplayable for Red sides with our new toy. I can’t wait to be sending 9Ms at planes that have less than 10 pops of flares.


So I suppose superiority question then becomes AIM-9M on F-15/A10C or AIM-9L, or do you take a mix?

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I cant comment on those airframes. But I did for a short while have a loadout that was 4x Aim-9M and 2x Aim-9L on the Gripen. Having the slightly better lock range that the Aim-9L “had” (it did and it didnt and I think it might have been fixed) was just handy to have .Especially with no competitive BVR option.

Though from experience in the Harrier Gr7. I would gladly get rid of the Aim-9Ms in favour of a 11.3 ish BR instead of the 12.7 it has now with Aim-9M