USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Its a new aircraft. What do you expect. I was in my Tornado F3 yesterday and there was 3 or 4 Su-24Ms. Made good hunting.

its a ground attack aircraft. Sim is the best place to spade it. either that or try to evade Pantsirs when stock. Fairly certain the Su-25SM3 was quite common for a weak or 2 after it was added probably for the same reason. (Its also the aircraft US mains have been asking for for quite a while)

Its better to give it at least a week.

I dont have the greatest success rate with AMRAAM at the moment, Though I’ve only been playing the Sea harrier FA2 and in Sim that thing is rather badly unfinished. You have to guess where the target is at and then fire. No HUD sucks.

I get the soviet struggle at top tier. I had to deal with the same in the F3 vs Mig-29SMTs. So I do actually understand. Though there is little to be done about it at the moment and little that can be done till soviets get a new top tier aicraft. (which hopefully will be just before Typhoon)

The Mig-29 smt & Su-27Sm should have fairly decent radars.

But, so you say the Su-39 is very easy to use, and the Su-25T right? Well, I just killed a Su-39 6 times with a F-4S, he couldn’t do anything to retaliate because I kept hitting him 7 miles out.

However the F-4J(UK) i do actually feel bad for though. That should probably be 11.7

Thermals either make or break a vehicle. Thermals are like the No.1 most important thing for any CAS

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Should be lower than that. Its worse than the FGR2 and FG1 at 11.3.

Right… So you were playing your 12.0 aircraft in a correct manner. Now do the same in the Mig-23MLD against the A-10Cs

And Russia doesn’t have any… yay…

To answer your question, my mig-23 MLD preformed worse against the a-10c

I died 3 times to aim-9ms
Got 2 kills, out of 6 R-24Rs fired. (The chaff kept screwing up my radar)

So no, 12.0 is actually the spot for the A-10c, not to mention, it’ll make the lineup with the F-4S better anyways.

6KM range is more than enough and your ATGM is already better by not being Crapfire.
I think this heli is just not for you. It is blind regarding knowing if theres SPAA’s by RWR or LWR, but that has to be compensated by player using their thermals and taking cover and time to see if there’s spawns of SPAA, enemy air.
If there’s none the heli will be powerful, being able to easily dispatch of enemies from far away.
If there’s a threat and it’s SPAA’s it can go two ways: you using a good position to easily kill SPAA or struggling.
If it’s heli the best case scenario is heli not knowing of you.

All of these aircraft can carry 4x missiles (except the 25SM3), and can push quite good speeds for their capability.
Su-25SM3 has thermals.

What’s going on in this forum? Everyone trying to make Russia look bad while its literally in the TOP 3, Muh Russia is underpeforming.

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I still don’t get why the mi-35m went to 10.7 it used to be 10.3, it should go back to 10.3, it was balanced there.

Also, the OH-65D is a heli that can sit behind a hill and fire it’s what, 12x or 16x hellfires? That’s at 10.3 and the Mi-35 only gets 8 ATGMs, lower range, has to expose itself, is far larger, etc.

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Stats say otherwise. Win rate for Russia was the lowest by far last time I checked.

I wouldn’t call 600 mph good. 800 is good, the difference between the Su, and the A10 is 200 mph.

Do you own the Su-25SM3? I can buy mine, but I didn’t see where it showed a thermal. I might’ve missed it.

Bad players? too many premium bots that hold W starting from 10.0? that didn’t come into your mind? or does it come only when someone mentions US winrates that been on the ground for months now.

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No, from what I see, it’s more op equipment & numbers.

The USA team always is flying the really good aircraft, and outnumber the enemy team 3:1 usually, in some cases it can get to be 5:1


Man USSR is sooo OP

USA and Israel are sitting pretty

When i said US i meant Ground battles not AIR, also if USSR winrates are down its the player’s fault, good helis, good cas, good tanks, wheres the problem?

this is an air sim thread…


Oh my bad then, but he still doesn’t get that USSR/Russia is in a good shape.

Because they’re not in sim? Or ground? (Other than helis)

Pretty sure it’s BR was set higher with others at the same time, in other words decompression.

OH-65D does not exist.
OH-58D has 4x Hellfire