USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Ah yes we need another harrier at 11.7 walking freely with Aim-9Ms, how could I be so dumb.

Well that’s just a salt post if i ever saw one. The HMD bug report was already submitted and it should be removed.

NATO rare to get nerfed? Leo hull armor? 247 VT fuze? Bullpups? Those are just off the top of my head.

Weather Gaijin has bias is up for debate. You on the other hand is clear.

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Im trying to think of a NATO vehicle that isn’t nerfed in some way. Failing hard at the moment to do so. Maybe a Spitfire?


Typically every update something Russian gets nerfed because bad players can’t cope and get better.

Leo armor got nerfed because it was over preforming? That’s a perfectly fine nerf.

Where was this M247 nerf? It seems perfectly capable still for me.

The only real “nato nerf” I can think of in recent memory was the hellcat being brought up in br 0.3

Man I’m sure nato gets nerfed so hard pretty much every WW2 Soviet tank went from -5 gun depression (accurate) to -3 gun depression. Why? Oh because people cried in the forums.

Just like you :)

The A-10C still needs to be 12.0, or a lot of vehicles need a slew of buffs.

They removed it’s VT fuze. As I said in my post.

So now it’s just nerf for thee not for me.

TOW2B? just remembered that one.

Not to mention the AGM-65L is missing about 18km of range to be added to it.
Saying the A-10C is preforming as it is supposed to is a joke it was implemented as V1 of the test server and Gaijin greed just made a BS launch.

Then. In that case, No issue with BOL being un-nerfed and returned to IRL performance?

Should be large calibre flares and standard calibre chaff. But at the moment its modeled to be smaller than small for both. (not too mention the fact htey are misisng from a number of aircraft like the F-15C or Tornado IDS)

Aim-9M and Aim-9Ls need a massive boost to flare resitance and Aim-9Ms have about 1/4 their lock range at the moment.

All NATO Tpods are underperforming hard right now and AGM-65s should be more like 30km range. Not the 15km on a good day.

NATO Radars are all pretty nerfed.

AMRAAM Should be WAY stronger. nearly impossible to chaff off like you can ingame.

All NATO Tanks have massively nerfed armour and shells.

There literally isnt a single NATO aircraft that I can think off that doesnt have something nerfed for the sake of balance. As a Brit main btw, so you can stop the " I just want the A-10C to be OP" because no. I wont even be using it unlike you who wants the SU-24M to be the dominant aircraft at 11.3 with 6x R-73s. Every… Single… British aircraft has major nerfs.

From SRAAM and Red Tops not being modeled as All-aspects all the way up to the Tornado F3s nerfed FM, nerfed BOL, Missing Phimat, heck even missing ASRAAM technically.

Harriers alone have nearly every part nerfed at hte moment. Including their IR sigs. Hottest aircraft in the game by far. nearly impossible to flare anything in them at the moment. Especially IRCCM. 100% Gaijins modeling for that one.


Let’s not forget the Longbow Hellfire is not in the game.

Yep, Thats an annoying one. Even forgetting the FnF. I think most hellfires should be more like 10-12km range, not 8km


It does feel like the British often gets the beating stick.

My funny Battlehawk makes them salty cause it can lmao

Yep. BOL is the big one. That affects 7/8 of our rank 8 aircraft at the moment. and it affects 6 of them really hard. Only the Gripen is fine, but wouldnt say no to chaff at the very least being fixed on that. Even number 8 that doesnt have BOL at the moment. The Tornado Gr1, Is technically missing BOL

Everything else is managable but annoying except the Sea Harriers all 3 are massively unfinished and all 3 probably should be way lower than they are in their current state.

harrier Gr7 is also in a pretty dire state as well at the moment. Multiple buffs it could get but the biggest it needs. especially in sim. is a BR drop. No radar at 12.7 sucks

Nah, see the Su-25SM3 can… So its perfectly balanced :P

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40km go Brrrr.

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I Just assume when I see S1 on the RWR that the Pantsir has launched on you!

I dont even think it that much. If Im against soviets, at 11.3. and I spawn in a CAS. I start spamming CMs and diving towards the deck the millisecond I spawn in. gives me a 50/50 survival chance. Now whether or not I can attack anything without being shot out of the sky by it afterwards is another question. But at least Im safe for the moment.

Though, the 680 chaff the Tornado Gr1 has finally gotten and a usable FM, that survival rate should go up a bit now


So if a tank reloads at 4.0 secs in game, but irl it reload 6.0 secs, is that fine for the game?


What? Also the M247 didn’t get nerfed what are you even talking about. I’m about to call you Dr. fakenews

I don’t remember which update it was. Gaijin took away the the proxy fuze from default ammo and made it a tier 4 unlock.