USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

I have more luck using Iglas vs Vikhirs, since the Vikhir over Gs very easily now,

Shadowplay is Nvidia. I have AMD . AMDs equivalent is ReLive

I will disagree, Vikhr’s fly better then Ataka’s our Shturm’s and I been killing both heli’s and planes by directly hitting them with Shturm’s and Ataka’s without them even trying to dodge, only ever spamming chaff and flares thinking that should do.
It’s not Vikhr’s or Shturm’s being OP against air but someone being ignorant, blind and deaf.


I’ve flown the SU-25 enough to tell you i have gotten away with more bs then i should have.

Most tanks still dont have LWR the abrams certainly doesn’t and that what you play so i doubt you’re avoiding a PARS3

This is why I’m waiting for Ka-50N to be in game.

Oh buddy you better retract that statement right now

If you’re gonna lie about something dont fucking lie about something publicly available

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No LMAO irrcm missiles can go right through ircm. It happens constantly.

The Su-39 has ALOT of crap in the cockpit that limits visibility, I test flew the A-10, you have ALOT more visibility

Ka 29 NSPU would be a dream to have in game.

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I can count on 1 hand how many times I’ve died from a UHT

I have been sat on the arse of a Su-39 in the harrier Gr7 before, forced to use guns because even at 1km. The Aim-9M refused to lock and I kept getting warning saying IRCM preventing lock or whatever the message is.

Ive had the same in the Jaguar IS with Magic IIs.

IRCCM missiles are equally affected by IRCM.

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In the dev blog for the KA-50 when it came out, it said it was even supposed to have thermals. I was so happy, especially since it’s my fav helicopter IRL

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I can’t remember ever seeing one at all

Maybe I did, but compared to all the KA-50s everywhere it’s easy to forget that other helis exist

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A 3yr old can count how many times you’ve played an Su-25

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lol. Get in an Su-39 I’ll get into my Su-27, well prove it :) because I know irrcm doesn’t work that well

The model in game isnt supposed to have any form of thermals, there are two versions that are supposed to have thermals.

You are right i have died 12 times in the SU-25 each time i ate 3 missiles

Poor KA-29, I’ve never played it, skipped over it, and I’ve never seen anyone play it.

Prove it get on and ill throw an Aim-9M at you if you can survive 3 hits ill say you win

And the firepower of a 11.7…But please do pick and choose