USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

That is far better protection than most aircraft have at the moment.

And? R-73s are still WAY better than Aim-9Ls

Aim-9Ms might have an advantage of smokeless motor. But if we are handing out R-73s to supersonic aircraft at 11.3/11.7 then Aim-9Li should also be handed out

Su-39 has 2x8. Thats 16.

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Was dogfighting reasonably well. Only reason I knew he was damaged at all was because of the crit messages I got

There were 3 helis in pve everyone used, KA-50, Tiger UHT, and the Apache, but everyone in the KA-50s were usually firing all their Vikhirs at one another to dominate the other Ka-50

Wouldn’t say they’re great against anything that moves significantly since its still just a guided rocket it doesn’t maneuver too much

Im gonna need proof on that ive never had my Su-25 tank more than one missile and even then thats rare

Go fly a Su-39, look out the cockpit, you CANNOT see anything, your RWR is the saving grace if anything. But the ircm is negated by irrcm missiles, which MANY aircraft have, just be side face, easy kill.


Yeah almost like the were the only real threat?

I wish I had gotten a clip of it. But AMD keeps resetting my ReLive settings and I couldnt be bothered to go Replay spelunking. I usually capture clips of that. I have one of an F-20 taking a direct hit from a Magic II and literally taking no damage at all.

So you might not believe me. But it was genuinely insane. Su-25 airframes can shrug off abuse most aircraft just cannot.

Are you dense?
Ka-50 fights Ka-50
Apache fights Tiger UHT.

Blame gaijin for that, not the helicopter

Do thermals and laser rangefinders and laser warning systems dictate br levels in ground vehicles?
Gaijin dont balance on soft abilities.
Otherwise the Sprut 2S25 with Gen 3 thermals would not be the same BR as light tanks with Gen 1 or Gen 2 thermals.

Not really you could just hide behind a mountain i did that on afghan all the time, against a UHT you cant even return fire because he has FNF

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No it was KA-50 shoots what ever it sees. They would focus KA-50s cause if they didn’t they would get clapped by another KA

I could find you a clip of me hitting an AH-1G with 2 r-60s and I got a “crit hit” but he kept flying and killed 5 people, including me, as I lazed him with 12.7

No they are not?

IRCCM missiles are still defeated by IRCM.

cockpit visibily looks equal to most Ground attack aircraft, like the Tornado or Jaguar.

Without proximity fuse on APKWS you’d be better off with a Hellfire or Vikhr tbh, and that’s what I’m getting at.

Also, the Vikhr is dual purpose A2G and A2A due to it’s proxy fuse, you don’t sacrifice any particular capability by bringing them

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The Sprut can be .50 cal’d from the front, and has the gun handling of a br 2.3 tank

Yeah I learn about a tiger in the sky i just pop smoke has kept me alive for majority of the times i have seen them.

Why aren’t you running shadowplay it never has that issue

Ive played the Su-25 enough to know it cant go buy the 25T the next time its on sale and you’ll see for yourself