US Top Tier - Abrams, Hellfires, Anti Air and what needs to change

Well, what does that make any other MBTs… other than being inferior?

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I 100% agree. But again, I would like to see other nations with vehicles that can be just ON-PAR with the Strv 122s and Leo 2A7Vs. This includes every nation, like Italy and Israel, including the US. Their suffering isn’t special compared to something like the Ariete, but it’s still unbalanced. Just that there are more US mains than Italian mains, and that exacerbates their voice on the matter.

Another key point is that Germany gets chosen to be on the same team as Sweden and USSR (and sometimes other minor nations) against USA, which substantially affects the winrate and the problem of unequal MBTs.

From what I can tell, USA’s MBTs aren’t the only problem, but the teammates that teams consist of (premium inexperienced players with clickbaits). But even then, the winrate in Japan between 10.0 and 12.0 hasn’t really changed that much after the Fuji came out. So are inexperienced players that much better in the Fuji than in the Clickbait?


Cope about external spall liner or liner only for ammo rack: Pick it.

Do you think online is strictly Allies vs Axis or NATO vs Warsaw Pact and USSR or smth to say that ?

If seeing armoured tank doesnt make you think and shoot into the weakspots even at top tier I only think you bought your way there through premiums and such.

Never knew you had official statistics but alr.

If existance of Pantsir is your only argument then I wont take it.
Theres countless videos of people yet succeding or even straight up slaughtering Pantsir’s.
Plus taking an aircraft or shooting the missiles down are always an option, first of which should be made more viable by making aircraft’s with no ground attacking weaponry cost much less, not only USA problem but really is a problem of every each nation in game all BRs and ranks.

So maybe stay out of the stream of teammates who just push W before getting crushed and do something else but not just pressing W key and hoping firepower of your team will be better?

And hows your copium/anytime suggested is supposed to help?
War was never symmetrical yet better equipment never granted the win.
And yes cover and smokes are a tool and I cant imagine playing even T series without those.

As I havent seen any angle increase or something that would include armour increase not really.
From you it sounds like cope but from IRL stand point round hitting that exact place is just as unlikely as something hitting lower plate or driver port of T series.

Again you doing nothing but pulling shit out of nothing.
You have nothing to back your words with.
As I tried to represent it’s not the tools winning for you but the players.
In such manner I had an uptier while playing soviet 10.7, had best scenario by your words, Sweden and USSR being coupled together.
Yet we lost to other team with their best player being literally the last Challenger 2 premium basically bringing his team to a victory.



I have not.

I said the T-72B3, T-80U and T-90A struggle to compete.
I said nothing about the T-80BVM, T-90M, Russian CAS, SPAA, etc. struggling in general.

They clearly aren’t, exactly because of the large numbers of low level players that rushed their way to top-tier USA.
Flavour of the month effect is also a thing that’s been with us since the start of War Thunder, the Leopard 2A7V is the flavour of the month and thus attracts skilled players.

It clearly is.

And significanly worse acceleration, worse reload rate, worse reverse speed, etc. compared to the T-80BVM.
Many people still prefer the T-80BVM over the T-90M.

But worse reload.
Hence a sidegrade. You’d know this if you played these vehicles.

I get the feeling you are completely unfamiliar with playing anything but US tanks.

All Strv’s received spall liners, the Strv 122B doesn’t have better survivability at all.

I would suggest you start playing those other nations, because it’s becoming more and more a case of ‘‘US Main thinks grass is always greener on the other side’’.

Even with 2s its better reload for such bad first stage ammo rack and not specifically best penetration.
That making it 2 top tier worthy vehicles with America having 3, same SPAA’s , same helicopter basis.
Yet one you find with 30% winrate.

There is even one russian youtuber to call Challengers being at 3rd best MBT and calling it the best nation. Quite rich for something you would think struggles if you only accounted for “META” as anything viable.

Both actually, it has been proved u can check sources that’s been rotting here for months and get ignored by people like u.

Did i say something such as this?? or you just getting this shit from your brain?

I know every tank weakspots but that’s not enough to defeat all of them, you need good helis with good missiles, good CAS, good SPAA to defend u from getting stomped on by the absolute BS SU-25SM3.

Why would i need one when i play against them most of the time??

I don’t care if you take or not buddy, the existence of Pantsir in the game is a mistake.

Yeah no shit and there’s videos of the Pantsir slaughtering and taking down MAVS mid-air.

Russians and every nation do this one most of the time i don’t see you mentioning that?

Crazy how it does make sense to you only.

Better equipment is granting an absolute win, delusional statements lmao

They don’t need to, there’s special shells for that, also t-series are old META that still getting used to this day is sad honestly and let’s not mention the turret POP.

If you play top tier you would agree but yet you’re doing absolutely nothing but mentioning low BR expecting it to validate your point pal.

The tools are lacking in the US tech tree, but players are here suffering.

WOOW a good premium player i’m really surprised, so you getting stomped on by a challi is somehow a thing to mention?? + why you bringing 10.7 into +11.7 topic?

Something it seemed from you saying I never get to play with US teams.

So good sources they cant convince even a child.

Or just one non ignorant player to take F-4 or F16.
Plus its ground battles.
The initial battle can be won only on ground.
Only after it becomes somewhat combined with people spawning planes.

To speak it like its official and no other stand point or any others experience cant be even considered.
In other words you putting it like no other cases can happen, no other variables driven from playing on other servers, timezones.

And the cope is unreal.

Here's some short footage of CAS, being so biased away by Pantsir 😔
This one is with CAS having limited vision and only kills are so op 2S6 and Pantsirs.

It’s not the need to" question of why theres little armour there but “how likely this is to be hit”.
Both have low chances, hence the protection being weaker.
Sad I have to read it letter by letter for you.

The battle literally was the top tier?
Plus the issues described arent issues of USA and top tier exactly.
I hate how much this community has to ignore literally everything but 10.3 and top tier, as well as taking vehicles and WR as only the vehicles matter, excluding every and each possibility of player skill and team coordination.
🤔 General lack or presence of both surely have nothing to do with any nations WR.

And you would be lying to say they re lacking.
As again even with Britain, a somewhat developed nations US is clearly on top in comparasion.

And here is the ignorance i mentioned before.
Thats an example scenario of skill of a player being better than just setup of two powerful nations.
Plus I literally mentioned the uptier, Challenger 2 premium of there being one, the 11.3 one.
So even with that Sweden and USSR have good setups though the battle was full up tier for me.

That’s the same as basically every other heli ATGM though? Most top tier tanks don’t have LWS and spotting an ATGM coming at you is pretty rare. Its range would still be lower than Vikhrs or any of the other 10km range ATGMs.

So why would it require the AH-64D to be 13.0?

Everyone’s favorite Russia defender defending mother Russia from my criticism. :)
You’ve never accepted my 1v1 you in Pantsir, so we know you’re bluffing.

There are zero helicopters in War Thunder with radar AGMs, thus not the same.

Again, how would this change things when AFAIK they are radar guided and thus the AH-64D still has to be at least partially exposed? From the POV of a ground unit getting hit, 99% of the time there will be no difference to them.

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Honestly US mains at top tier complain about so much.
Abrams 120mm reload buffed to 5 seconds (based on a video!)
Great mobility, tough armour (Waaa not as good as the Leo 2A7 or the Strv 122) That’s 2 out of 10 top tier mbts have some perspective!
F-16/F-15 for CAS and its only going to get better!
Ah-64 will get Radar Hellfires at some point
ADATS is good but spawn cost is a little high

Its embarrassing how good the US have it and how many whine posts we see like this. Please try a week in France or Britain, Italy at top tier and come back and tell me how bad you all have it

As it should and most NATO tanks also.

tough armor??? what tough armor u talking about??

If modeled correctly and get its latest armor it should be better than those or atleast the same (we not including the SEPV3)

F-16C hmmm good for CAS but it has to deal with r-73 and pantsir, F15 is so bad your wings get crushed after a lil maneuver.

this will happen after 10 years.

ADATS isn’t good, US doesn’t have a TOP TIER SPAA at all.

a braindead example ngl, why would people compare US with France and Italy, it’s literally insane also if someone wanna complain about their armor not modeled right u should complain also, why stop people from asking to model their realistic armor and not get another MBT with 80’s armor.

Pretty sure the requirements to become an Abrams loader are that you can reload it that fast.

Because even if your tank isn’t as good as a Leopard 2A7 its still the 2nd 3rd best tank in the fkin game and you cry like its worthless. But yes lets buff all the tanks armour and bring back actual weakspot sniping not just point click centre mass?

Armour that bounces all but oh wait DM-53 and 3BM60. and even then I have had DM-53 bounce

F-16 has all the tools to beat a Pantsir, I manage it in Tornado GR.1 (This is a skill issue)
R-73 you have Aim9M and AIM7M you have parity especially in mixed battles.

You know it will but you keep feeling hard done by

Yep least you have a gun on your ADATS (out of interest what SAM does the US produce that’s an analogue to Pantsir?)

Modelled they wont even model other nations tanks despite reams of bug reports, one of the cash cows starts crying and Gaijin bend over backwards for you.

Implying no other nation trains loaders…
Britain lap load CR2 but Gaijin wont model that. A shot every 3.5 seconds what did Gaijin do give CR2 4 rounds in a ready rack that load at 4 seconds then after that its 6.5-7 seconds per shot.

It’s 4th best tank in the game.

It is worthless what do u see in it that make u say all this delusional stuff?

Bounces what? u mean the UFP? it does bounce sometime if the enemy just shot without thinking or aiming, but if he did u would get stomped on.

The moment u spawn in u get locked on by the Pantsir, u run to the trees u gotta deal with several Jets, and the moment u step out the trees u die, easy as it is.

R-73 is way better than the AIM-9M, it gets an advantage is the invisible launch in GRB.

Whats that gotta do with TOP TIER bombs? should i fire my gun at SU-25SM3?

That’s what i’m saying i expect that they wont.

I can see this is a waste of energy,

4th best tank out of 10+ still pretty good and that’s highly debatable, you have a 5 second reload an amazing round great mobility. Maybe top tier isn’t for you

Yep the UFP and turret cheeks can bounce

Fly higher not lower the F-16 has the kinematic performance to defeat a Pantsir and AGM-65 levels the field. Fly fast and high and then dive low before you slam an AGM-65 into them.

No its not like your view on the M1A2 its wrong, the AIM9M is the best short range IR missile in the game.

Other nations don’t have a gun on their ADATS

Because it doesn’t need buffed

There are far better options than the Maverick which could be available(but aren’t, I wonder why). Also the Pantsir can still just intercept incoming ordnance due to its gun (and the radar’s TWS capabilities) so single missiles per target aren’t a guaranteed kill.

examples of ordnance on an F-16

87-0392 & AGM-158A
F-16 & AGM-88

Yep but that’s done for balance, the fact you want JASM ER or HARMS is overkill. The best way to deal with a Pantsir is to engage it when its not paying attention to you.

APKWS is a cool system, but it still wont have the range to engage Pantsir.

Many nations are missing modern A2G ordinance, Britain should have Brimstone…But doesn’t.

Yep, but then you got GBU’s what are immune to missiles, and cant be shot down. For some unknown reason.