US Me-262

The idea of ​​adding captured or tested vehicles is totally wrong, because it deprives a nation of a vehicle that could only be played there, considering that the major nations (USA, Germany, Russia and Great Britain) already have dozens of them of vehicles that could be added to meet their every need.


No, no it would not. Read my satirical post and think again, because that’s just what will happen if we keep adding random aircraft across tech trees

Britain isn’t cared about by gaijin. Look how we had to deal with the Tornado F.3 for a full year against MiG-29s and the likes, we could have gotten Kiwi A-4K Kahu (On par with F-16s) or even Kiwi F-16s at a pinch (I know this one is copy pasta but it’s better to fill a gap such as the one in Jap tree ie AJ)

This is another matter.

it is but that’s the reason why we needed stuff like the Gripen, it’s because gaijin doesn’t care enough to make us unique aircraft, look at how late we got the FA2

You will have your satisfaction when the Eurofighter arrives.

Yeah, in 3 years

Don’t be so pessimistic.

Sorry, Pandora’s box is open. Might as well just add as much to any tree they can. National flavor is long gone.