gaijin when
Probably never.
another pantsir?! i mean no thanks lol
but it will be fun lol
Pass to the Devs please!!
Even like a premium or something
Wait, it uses french optics?
A lot of modern russian optics were french until they were recently sanctionned.
You’d think this would create a uhh, conflict of interests since it’s NATO supplying tech to russia and all.
For a while after the end of the cold war, there was a rapprochement between the west and russia, particularly in the EU, which has lead to a lot of more recent issues. France also has a tendency to sell military tech to anyone the US wont sell military tech to.
Why do people even want it in US for that stupid reason? And yeah i know panstir-S1 is op bla bla bla, we all know this but why add to that TT captured top tier AA? US just should get their own short range anti air system like SLAMRAAM. Making such request to add vehicle X to nation Y just because they capture was ok as premium few year ago on props. And it just kills nations unique. But it’s my opinion.
I agree with you, however we are already in the @freeLeopard and @freeF16 era. Snail dont give 2 shrugs to this.
I agree, however the Alien reverse technology that makes US shine in real life is its own drawback in the game. SLAMRAAM for example consists over multiple vehicles.
I may be forgetting some Israely phalanx truck or any other variant, but Pantisr is kinda unique in its role because other nations just decide move forward in other models of AA capaibilities.
Further, something “like” the Pantsir in a non-red-flag country could balance the MM -I believe-, however I dont see anything being passed to the developers recently. Copy paste Pantsir would be less effort solution (sounds funny but yeah)
+1 for balance reasons
You could always use the technical reasoning. The Pantsir weapon systems are protected by credential user interface so they’re useless if captured.
Yeah that’s true but the difference is USA sold F-16 to many nations and they actually use it same with Leopards. China, Italy, Israeli and Belgium use those(F-16s) so i think we should not use it as argument. Captured vehicles on high tier are nonsense.
I might be wrong but systems like IRIS-T on truck would be pretty good as top tier AA and yea i know it’s not like pantsir but copy pasting it would be problematic for balance and future development of the game.
PS. Sorry for that kind of “late” but i forgot about wt forum.
I’ll take 5
There’s only one and it doesn’t function.
This one differs in appearence from the so I would say yes. +1. While I don’t play top-tier. Not my preferred BRs. I still think the appearances are cool.